Social Media | Teen Ink

Social Media

May 20, 2014
By Raquel Dominguez BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Raquel Dominguez BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Social media has taken a huge toll on teenagers and adults lives including myself. Not only is social media all about instagram, twitter, Facebook, etc. There are social sites used for school work and in class assignments such as my big campus which my school uses for students to keep up with their teachers and class work. Even though social media is a huge distraction towards students, social media creates new social connections, and spreads information faster than any other media.

Social media creates new social connections. Statics show 70% of adults have accessed social media sites to communicate with family members whom live in different states or are located in different areas. Statistics also show that 57% of teens reported making new friendships and relationships through social media (TopTenSM). 88% of people using social media report that social media helps them stay in touch with friends they cannot see on a regular basis (

Social media spreads information faster than any other media. Beyond 50% of people hear about breaking news through social media. 65% of media reporters and editors use social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn for story research, and 52% use Twitter ( Social media sites are the top news source for 27.8% of Americans, ranking close to newspapers at 28.8% above radio at 18.8% (TopTenSM)and other print publications at 6% ( Twitter and YouTube users found out about the July 20, 2012 Aurora, CO theatre shooting before news crew showed up at the event (

Others might argue that social media is a huge distraction towards students, but social media actually helps students do better at and outside of school. Statistics show 59% of students that have access to the Internet report that they use social networking sites to discuss educational topics. Another 50% of students use the networks to talk about school assignments and class projects ( When George Middle School in Portland got introduced to a social media program to engage students, grades went up by 50%; chronic absenteeism went down by 33%, and 20% of students’ school-wide voluntarily finished extra-credit school assignments (

Although social media can be a huge distraction for students, social media should continue to be as popular as it is. I believe that the frequent use of social media is very useful because it helps teenagers and adults keep in touch with friends and family whom live in different areas. It also creates new social connections and helps to spread important information faster than any other media.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to wrie this peice because social media is very helpful and others argue about how its a disrtaction but its helpful in a lot of ways

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