Selflessness | Teen Ink


May 14, 2014
By pkrupa BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
pkrupa BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An open letter to people who do good deeds without anything in return.

Thank you. Thank you for proving to everyone in this world that there is such thing as kindness.
The people who "pay forward" for others meals,
the people who pick up litter,
the people who hold doors for others,
the cashiers who let you slide by if you're ten cents short,
and the people who shovel the elders' driveway for not even a penny.

People like you make my heart melt. Our world is full of rudeness, rush, and greed. Everyone is so quick paced, and they never take the time to think about others. Someone cuts a person off; they automatically honk their horn, "BEEEEEP", and start calling them names. Most people never take the time to think, maybe he's rushing his child to the hospital, or maybe he's late for the most important business meeting of his life. Most people don't think about the other person's personal situation, they just think about themselves. Our world is all focused on trying-to-catch-up-with-technology, to the point where people do not take their eyes off their phone to give a quick smile to a person they pass down the street. That one smile can make a person's day.

So thank you to the person that does not swear and scream when someone cuts him or her off. Thank you to the person that does take the time to glance up from his or her phone and acknowledge the person walking by. With people like you, there truly is a difference in the world. Your kindness is contagious. It does make others want to do good also. Making another person smile causes an addiction. It's that oh-so-good-feeling of, "I made his day, I want to make more people's days."

I just have two things to say to you. Thank you, and keep doing what you're doing.

Yours truly,
A Good Samaritan

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