For the Lost Mind | Teen Ink

For the Lost Mind

May 12, 2014
By JEBurk BRONZE, Santa Ana, California
JEBurk BRONZE, Santa Ana, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A lost mind is a horrible, tragic virus that has infected the recent generations of humanity. This easily treated condition of the human mind is so widely neglected due to the lack of understanding and comprehension.

To treat this epidemic, man must understand that there is a simple answer to life. You do not find yourself, you create yourself. The mere potential of the human mind voids all notions of circumstantial limitation.

The man who moans of his past and his troubles is nothing short of the same failure as he was then. A successful man is a man, who has achieved despite his trials. A successful man knows he himself is successful and he does not need nor want to boast of himself. A successful man finds is a man who finds comfort in himself and does not need to prove himself to others.

A man must first recognize that the potential of all beings are equal and without limitations, only then can a man’s life be defined with purpose and meaning. The only limitations a person has are the ones they recognize themselves.

The struggles defined by the lesser man have no significance to you, unless you make them significant. All people have complete control of their life and their future. As life is defined by the choices and actions you make yourself.

Do not respect Martin Luther King Jr. for the blows or the bullet he took. Respect the impact a single man, of the same potential as you, has made on billions of people. It took this man only 15 years to alter the universe forever, all due to the recognition of his own potential.

King did not recognize the struggle and oppression of society as a limitation, but rather a treatable condition. The simple act of King’s understanding of his own mind resulted in the civility of billions of people.

Once all individuals recognize the reality of the human mind and its ability, the efficiency of society will improve in unmeasurable proportions. The standard of living for the lower class will now be equivalent to the higher class, all without any economical or financial difference. It is of no fault but the common individual who limits themselves and creates excuses to define themselves as normal. To be a lost mind is a decision, influenced by society, that man makes and should not be considered as a normal process in human development.

The author's comments:
The only limitations a person has are the ones they recognize themselves. The only limitations a person has are the ones they recognize themselves. The only limitations a person has are the ones they recognize themselves.

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