Inner Confidence | Teen Ink

Inner Confidence

April 25, 2014
By catluvr911 BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
catluvr911 BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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To all the kids and young adults out there trying to erupt out of their shells and open up, this is definitely for you. Getting out there has always and will always be a challenge for some people. A remedy for this is not 100% guaranteed. Inner confidence can be a trait that someone’s born with or it can be learned if they’re willing to adapt. In my opinion, and I’m sure many others would agree with me, it’s sensational to establish a level of confidence and be able to put it into effect. People who already have it are able to let go and express their minds more than others; they’re not afraid to put themselves out there and be who they are. On the other hand, the ones still in their comfort zone or “bubble” aren’t able to do the same; they’re too worried and perturbed by others opinions and ideas that they “protect” themselves from all the different thoughts. I’m here to tell all you struggling in this situation that YOU’RE NOT LIVING YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST. Don’t be the one stuck in your shell because once you get out, you’ll realize the luxury of a free, open mind. Other people will enjoy the way you can speak your mind, even if it contrasts with their own ideas. Gaining respect with confidence is on the table too. If you open up earlier in life, you’ll thank yourself in the long run because you have the opportunity to enjoy the perks of inner confidence for a longer time.

The author's comments:
I really liked this topic because it has changed my life greatly with being able to be myself in all situations without second guessing.

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