1.5 Million Starving, 1.5 Million Saved | Teen Ink

1.5 Million Starving, 1.5 Million Saved

April 17, 2014
By Kaitlyn Draper BRONZE, Arlington, Kentucky
Kaitlyn Draper BRONZE, Arlington, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Crying. That is what a mother hears down an alley. “Mommy, I am so hungry!” sobs a little child while rummaging through some smelly garbage. “What if we can’t find anything?” the child asks, with a pleading voice. This question though, the mother can’t answer. This is what true hunger is. This is what needs to fixed in the world today. You want to know the people that are able to solve this problem? We are. Right now is our time to help shape the world. World hunger has caused many problems and it is our job to try and solve it.
World hunger is killing today’s world population. Every year 1.5 million children die because of starvation. These children did nothing wrong! They had no access to food and couldn’t help but starve! It is sad to think that we could have helped, that we could still have a few more children on Earth. A problem that is caused because of hunger is that people worldwide are not getting the proper nutrition for their bodies to function. This causes sickness and can become fatal. Every year, 842 million people do not get proper nutrition for their bodies. Another problem hunger causes affects children and their lifestyles. They have to worry about stuff little children shouldn’t have to. For an example, my worries revolve around my school work and what clothes to wear the next day, but the worries of a starving child differ. All they worry about is getting another meal. These little kids shouldn’t have to worry about these kinds of ideas. They should be able live their lives without that worry on their shoulders. We can help lift this burden a kid should carry.
The cause of hunger can vary. It can be because of poverty, no access to food, or lack of knowledge. But down to it, these three problems all result into the same bigger one, hunger. Once found in one of these problems, it may feel hard and maybe even impossible to find out how to get out. This is where we come in and take part. By helping, we can help people get food and help them rebuild their lives again.
Now that I have told you the problem and how bad it is, it is time I tell you how to help. We have taken a small step towards trying to stop hunger, but it is now time to take a giant leap. One way to help is by donating. Donating consist of more than just giving money, but also time and support.

Some worldwide organizations are
-Action against Hunger
-Bread for the World
-The Hunger Project
-Meals on Wheels
-Food for the Hungry
These are all great organizations, but they need more support and help. This is our time to take part and take charge over hunger. Another way to help is by volunteering at a local site where you can help serve others. This act can go a long way and can help someone get their next meal.

Now that I have given my opinion and beliefs, you may not agree or may be questioning me. You may say that you already donate towards hunger. This may be true, but that small amount doesn’t affect the millions of people starving. That is why we need more money, to stop this deadly hunger. You may also wonder where we will get the money for this mighty task. Well, this can be easily solved if everyone would help take part. I believe that if we would give up our daily luxuries, such as top brand clothes and every morning coffee, we could use that saved money and give it to those in need. Just that small act could result in more lives and we could make a difference. You may also say that another organization deserves your money instead of poor starving children. Well, it is your opinion, but this deals with life or death. I mean, I would rather save a kids life instead of a dog or a plant.
I hope that this letter has made you realize how bad hunger is, what causes it, and how it can be solved. This is our time to give someone another meal, another day, another chance.

The author's comments:
World Hunger needs to be known more about and how we have the power to help.

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