World Hunger | Teen Ink

World Hunger

March 25, 2014
By McLick BRONZE, Dhsbmhffdeg, Wisconsin
McLick BRONZE, Dhsbmhffdeg, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

World hunger is a very big problem in our world because many people get super sick and get deadly diseases , superskinny and lack malnutrition. Being undernourished is a general term that indicates a lack of some or all nutritional elements necessary for human health. When a person goes hungry, they face a lot of defects to their body. They get diseases including diarrhea which causes death.

Some causes for world hunger are poverty, climate, food wastage, armed conflict and environment overload. Poverty is making under minimum wage. People who can not afford to have the resources - weather, land, tools, shelter, clothes and food because they lack money. The climate has a role in world hunger because drought is one of the most common causes of food shortages in the world; drought causes crop failures so food is nearly impossible to grow. One third of all food produced (1.3 billion tons) is never consumed. This food wastage is a missed opportunity to improve global food security in our world where one in eight people go hungry. In developing countries it is common for war to disrupt agricultural production, and the government often spends more money on arms than on social programs. Another cause of world hunger is environment overload when overconsumption by wealthy nations and rapid population growth by poor nations happen there is a strain on the natural resources. This makes it hard for poor people to get food.

There are approximately 7.1 billion people in this world and about 870 million people suffer from hunger. But 98% of people suffering from world hunger live in developing countries. And in these countries world hunger kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined, and in these countries AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis very are common and deadly. Now in these developing countries more than 1.4 billion people are living below the international poverty line earning less than $1.25 a day! In this group of people many have problems obtaining food for themselves and their families and as a result 1.02 people in developing countries are undernourished. They consume less than the minimum amount of calories for sound healthy growth. About 5 million children die each year and about 17 million children are born underweight annually, the result of inadequate nutrition before and during pregnancy. So when a mother lacks nutrition, her child does not have the nutrition when in the womb to grow and be a healthy baby.

There are different perspectives on world hunger. One is for the wealthy who over consume and waste food, they think because they do not have to deal with starvation and getting food once a week that they do not have to care about it. There are the people who are able to get food 7 times a week but are thankful for it. Then donate to programs that feed kids suffering from hunger. Then theres the people who actually are hungry and do not get food daily and they can not do anything about it.

There are ways to help world hunger. Theres always programs that donate food and money to people that can not access it. And you can always cut back on how much food you eat and buy because you do not need all of it to live and what you do not eat you can give to food pantries. And there are schools like NSMS that are active about giving food and money to the food pantry like the food drive. But not all of the middle schools in the U.S are active about this problem.

So now you know all about world hunger and put yourself in their position so we can use some of the solutions given to help world hunger. It may just be a small percent of affection, but it is something.

The author's comments:
This is a problem

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