American Dream | Teen Ink

American Dream

March 25, 2014
By AntonioT BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
AntonioT BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Immigration is what built this country, and now it is trying to make this country a better place and the government is not helping the hardworking immigrants to help this country. People think that illegal immigrants are bad, but they are not, they work hard, they pay taxes, and they open more jobs and opportunities to the American workers. On the other hand, if the government deported every immigrant, the US economy would go down very fast. Illegal immigrants that work and obey the law should get a chance. Can you imagine the things they go through, leaving their families, risking their lives just to come to America?

People think that immigration is a problem in America. They believe immigrants are making this a bad place, but people in America should be educated about all the things that immigrants are doing to make this country better. Also the government should help the hardworking, honest immigrants to make their “American dream” come true, so they can earn a pathway to citizenship or a permanent residence. Immigrants are just trying to get the best things for their family.
A myth surrounding immigrants is that they take jobs away from American workers. The truth is, although immigrants account for 12.5% of the U.S. population, they make up about 15% of the workforce. When immigrants get a job, they open other opportunities for American workers. Immigrants tend to be concentrated in high and low-skilled occupations, rather than compete with jobs held by native workers. Economists estimate that for each job an immigrant fills, an additional job is created.
Another myth that people are not educated about is that immigrants do not want to learn English and that is also not true. Even if some do not speak it well, the truth is that throughout the country's history, critics of immigration have accused new immigrants of not wanting to learn English. There is a large increase in English-language skills from one immigrant generation to the other. The grandchildren of the present wave of immigrants will probably not even speak their native language. While many first generation immigrants do not speak English, 88% of their children born in America report that they speak English very well. And studies show that the number rises with each generation. Immigrants believe that they need to learn English in order to succeed in the United States, and believe they will be discriminated against if they do not speak it. There are a lot of immigrants taking English classes. It helps immigrants integrate into the American culture.
Another good thing about immigrants that some people do not know is that immigrants help the economy, and it takes a lot of money to deport immigrants. 1.5 trillion dollars would be added to the US economy over a 3 year period if all immigrants were legalized. Another 5.4 billion dollars is the money that would be earned from taxes if all immigrants were legalized. On the other hand, 2.6 trillion dollars would be lost if all immigrants were deported from the US over a 10 year period and just to arrest, transport, and deport an immigrant the government spends more than 23,000 dollars just for one person! Imagine how much it would cost to deport every undocumented worker. It would cost more than 285 billion dollars!

People who think that immigration is bad, should educate themselves and learn about all the benefits of undocumented immigrants, that they are hardworking, they obey the rules, and are helping this country get better. Immigrants just want the best for themselves and their families. They are just chasing their “American dream.”

The author's comments:
I am from Mexico and luckily I came here legally but there is a lot of people that do not have the same opportunities and I feel that something has to be done to help those people.

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