Wavering Off The Straight and Narrow | Teen Ink

Wavering Off The Straight and Narrow

March 25, 2014
By lmichellea BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
lmichellea BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

2,400. That is the annual number of gay or bisexual teens that have successfully committed suicide due to the harassment they received from those around them. Those who are, or thought to be gay, are bullied, discriminated, and do not have access to rights that others have. Nine million Americans are gay or bisexual, which is about 35% of our population, so why are they so discluded? Picked on or looked down upon? Authority figures in the situations turn their back, and ignore what is happening behind them. This is a huge problem. There is no difference between one who is straight or gay other than what gender they find love in. Everyone needs to learn that one cannot be judged on one aspect of who they are.

56. The percent of our states here in America that have banned the recognition of marriage of the same sex. This is not right. America is supposed to be the land of the free, so why are we telling people that they cannot be who they really are? This country has basically said that some of us are not allowed to be who we want, we are not allowed to be free. In doing so, this is disproving that motto of our country. 21 states have banned the discrimination of gay citizens, and only 17 have actually legalized the recognition of their marriage. The first state to legalize same sex marriage in the United States was Massachusetts in 2004, and the latest was Illinois which will take effect June 1, 2014. Ten other countries around the world have legalized same sex marriage, and 15 countries have legal adoption given to those couples.
49. That is the percent of America’s population who support same sex marriage. Not even half of our country supports this. Why do people care so much? There is no effect to those outside of the relationship other than seeing couples out in public. Just because it is not what is considered accepted in this society should not be the deciding factor of how we treat one another. In fact, denying marriage to same sex marriage can cause financial difficulties in that household. The New York Times estimates that about $41,196 - $467,562 is what ranges between an average heterosexual and homosexual couple. That is not a small amount of money. Especially if one would want to start a family but cannot just on the fact that their spouse is the same gender as themselves. How does no one see anything wrong with this? Gay marriage is actually protected by the Constitution’s pledge of equality and liberty. “Freedom of personal choice in matters of marriage and family life is one of the liberties protected by the Due Process Clause.” Also in the process of denying these same sex couples implies they are inferior to heterosexual. This is basically telling the citizens of America that it is acceptable to discriminate these people! That is what our country advertises not to do, but hypocritically tell those couples they cannot get married because of what gender they are marrying. Gay marriage could even bring financial gain to local governments. An increase of about $182 million to city governments annually with the purchase of chapels and booking of businesses for the weddings, so why ban it? Marriage is a civil right and all of America should have access to it.

78. That is the percent of gay, or thought to be gay, children of America that get teased or bullied every day at school. A national survey of 760 students was taken, had the response of, kids that are, or are more likely to be bullied and teased are those that are thought to be gay. 22% of GLBTQ (questioning sexuality) students have skipped school in the last month over self safety reasons. Many adults or those in positions of authority do not think twice when they hear an instance of one of these bullies. Keep in mind that these incidents are not just name calling, and they can be physical as well. Shoving, punching, kicking, and other abuses can be associated with these bullies. Abuses of these sorts can escalate to the point of a child being hospitalized yet the adult figures look the other way. Phrases of “boys will be boys” or “kids will work it out” are spoken in confrontations with these adults. There is no way that it is acceptable for those “boys” or “kids” to do that to another child just over what gender they seek love in.

Our country needs to start adapting with the change that is occurring in this generation of the world. There are more gay or lesbian citizens now than ever before and we need to mold our country to support all of our people not just heterosexual couples. Our government has started that molding nine months ago when the US Supreme Court made the decision to invalidate the Defense Of Marriage Act. This act was to ban the federal government from recognizing same sex marriage. Though this does not change the mind of every American into thinking this is right, it is a step forward from where we once were. Elders in the school workplace need to discipline every child for their behaviors. No child deserves to be bullied, no matter what the motivation of the bully may be. This helps give safety reassurance to the child of interest and their parents. The children of America are not that educated on the subject of same sex love, so they have absolutely no right to make fun of a peer because of it. The schools and educators of America need to fix this lack of knowledge in our youth. To do so there should be presentations or speeches given to the students, especially the younger ones so they grow up having the knowledge and the acceptance of same sex couples. This would create a generation of acceptance and that could change our country, even our world, to an extent that we so desperately need.

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