Body Confidence: A Satire on Our Society | Teen Ink

Body Confidence: A Satire on Our Society

March 17, 2014
By katrinacort BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
katrinacort BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As teenagers going through puberty, women are taught to love their bodies and accept what they are given from God. Women understand that they do not look like the girls featured on runways and billboards and fashion magazines. But why should they settle? The perfect models live an exciting life of constantly weighing themselves and eating lots of food including plain salads and fruit. Their lack of a healthy diet and exercise program deteriorates their body, ruining the temple they work so hard to build. They starve themselves to fit into dresses that barely fit the average woman’s leg, and they usually battle a plethora of eat disorders.

Although the average woman is usually a size fourteen, a size double zero is much more attainable and attractive. Why have a woman accept her body for what it is when she can stand in front of a mirror and pick at every single thing that a botched society does not find acceptable? Teaching little girls that weight defines who you are and who you become is much more important. Why teach girls that intelligence, morals, and values are important when something as fickle as society’s expectations for women?

Why project the average woman on a billboard when a picture of a stick thin model that has been edited and Photoshopped is much more appealing? The average woman weighs almost sixty pounds more than the average model, but the average woman is the one who must conform. Teaching women that they are not good-looking enough is imperative in life, for happiness and confidence should never be reached during our short lives. Allowing women to have body acceptance teaches them that looks are not important, and what you weigh and how you look is of the utmost importance.

Teach women that they should dislike other women based on their appearance; tear other women down to build yourself up. Never accept that you can’t be like the girls in the magazine. Because there is only one type of perfect: the type seen in magazines, on runways, and projected on billboards. We wonder why over thirty million people suffer from eating disorder.

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on Apr. 8 2015 at 9:11 am
Bless_survivor13 GOLD, Daytona Beach, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The realest people dont have them many friends "

this is very unique