Opinion Essay | Teen Ink

Opinion Essay

February 26, 2014
By FluffyKittys BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
FluffyKittys BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Games are not only bad but at the same time, they are very beneficial. If Kids ever thought that video games are only bad for people, Or people’s parents say so, they are very wrong because if kids play certain types of games they will help kids with eyesight “Call of duty: Medal of Honor: And BattleField”. Brain steroids “Mario”, and games will help kids read better. I have been playing video games since I was 8 and I have very good eyesight. I don’t have the best brain. but I can still read fairly well. If peoples parents tell kids that people will become bad at stuff. Tell them wrong, because they are wrong.

One thing that is very good about video games is the that it helps with eyesight, which I think is very good for certain things like, sports, military, mazes, and maybe even other video games. If People’s parents say people become blind from playing games , they are wrong because from what a scientist’s say, “if kids play enough of action games they will have a quicker reaction speed with people’s eyes”, kids will see things coming before other people do. For me the games that will help give better eyesight will be any Call Of Duty game. Because there is a lot going on in that type of game. The reason of that is all the movement, gunfights, explosions, and etc.

This objective is also very good about playing video games. It is the brain. Mario is one of the best games for this, because when kids play it, there is a lot of numbers and counting. The game Mario has a lot of numbers like, coins, the stars, levels, and etc. But one thing about Mario, it can be very confusing at times. Like sometimes kids won’t know where to go, and they will get stuck in certain levels. A fact from a scientist, this scientist got 4 different kids and had them play different Mario games, the kids that played the more recent Mario game seemed to be a little bit better and seeing numbers then the kids that played the older Mario game. One last thing about Brain steroids, is that if kids play a game for too long they won’t gain anything. But if they play it for only and hour or so, they will gain some intelligence and will be better at counting and etc.

When parents think kids are bad at reading because they play video games. They are wrong. Because what I saw on this one website, A scientist says, That when kids play games that have a lot of text between cutscenes, they are prone to read a little bit faster because the cutscenes usually go bye faster then how a then what they do in a book.“If kids like to read the cutscenes it will help them get a lot better with there intention spans. But if they already have good intention spans they can try to make it better. Another way is that when kids are playing a game, they will ask for a question or opinion, when they do that they will expect kids to answer or make an opinion.

After finishing up about these three topics kids and parents should have changed there minds about playing video games,But if they keep what they think. That would be fine. But the main 3 things I told people about were Eyesight, Brain steroids, and Helping kids read better. But if it doesn't help then it won’t help in life. Then have other people’s opinions, I have mine and I am sticking with it. And that brings me too Benefits of video games.

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