Writings of a young contrarian. | Teen Ink

Writings of a young contrarian.

February 22, 2014
By SiwarGuesmi BRONZE, Tunis, Other
SiwarGuesmi BRONZE, Tunis, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Banished from heaven, doomed to an eternity of suffering.
Humans have become lifeless bodies wandering around, programmed robots living life as they’re “supposed” to live it.
Everything around me is screaming CHANGE.
I am a young contrarian that can’t live in this s*** hole -aka “Earth”- anymore.
Everything about this world is wrong. Where can I start?
Let’s begin with people. Why do they live the way they do? I mean it’s a vicious circle. We see others living the same life as those who preceded them, repeating the same mistakes, facing the same problems but never learning the lesson. We watch them but we don’t learn from their mistakes. It’s a series of generations living the same life as the previous ones.
Somebody tell me why do we have to live the same life that others lived?
A quarter of our lives at school then work then marriage then kids that will repeat the cycle.
Everything is already planned and humans love playing it safe as they’re terrified of change –even the slightest one.
I don’t want to live their lives. I don’t want become like them, lifeless robots circling earth back and forth.
Another thing I don’t get: prison. On what planet would be eating, drinking and living for free be a punishment? Like seriously, prisoners make new friends there, learn stuff, take a break from their families, technology and the whole world. Hell they even can pursue their studies. They’re living way better than one third of the world’s population.
But you know which is the worst prison? The human body.
And what’s worse is doctors’ contribution to making this humanly trap live longer. Replacing an organ doesn’t mean adding more years to someone’s life or doesn’t make him more alive. Who told you that he was ever alive? Do doctors ask themselves “did he ever live”? Which reminds of another thing that bothers me: why do we have birthdays? Why do we count our ages? Why do we write on people’s tomb stones their birth and death dates?
If we ever try to count our real ages, I mean the years during which we were actually alive, our current ages would be cut to half if not more.
Now let’s get to the whole marriage-love thing which seems like the most difficult choice we have to make during our mortal lives. To love or not to love? I do or no I will not marry you? The question that’s haunting me is if we never knew love how are we supposed to recognize it when it comes? How do you know when you’re in love? WHAT THE F*** IS LOVE ANYWAY?
Whatever love is, I don’t believe in it anymore. It never works out, even if everything is there. The second thing I don’t believe in is marriage. How many couples –you know- are actually happy?
Even those who get married after an epic love story. In few years all the love and romance and bullshit fades away and all they’re left with is commitment.
It all comes back to society. An unmarried old woman looks for any husband out of fear of society’s judgment. An unhappy couple doesn’t get divorced because of society.
Society. Society. Society. It all comes down to society. We think, talk, walk, dress the way society wants us to. We care too much about what people think even when we say that we don’t.
Sometimes, other’s look is what defines you. And that’s what’s been holding us back.
Many questions with no answers.
Hating my surroundings.
Criticizing everything about it excessively.
I’m over thinking and it’s killing me not to have answers.


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