The System Of Government | Teen Ink

The System Of Government

February 19, 2014
By Will098 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Will098 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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They’re many different types of governments in the world. They’re democracies, communism's, republics, monarchies, dictatorships, aristocracies and democratic republics. For example in the United States there government is a democracy and in China they have a communist government. In Russia their government is a republic and in Canada their government is a monarchy. In North Korea their government is a dictatorship and in Ireland their government is a democratic republic. Overall, every government has different guidelines but all of the different governments have one thing in common which is all of them have their own country that they govern.

In the United States they have a democracy. In this government the people choose who should be in the government and they decide who is in charge. The United States government has it’s problems just like other governments have their own problems. The United States government has a executive branch, a supreme court branch and a legislative branch. These three branches of government all work together to lead the country in the right direction. They make the laws and also enforce the laws. The United States government has helped many countries in the past and that has put the United States government in debt. Last of all, the United States government is in debt with a lot of other countries and they should make better decisions in the future.

The country that has a government that works the best is Canada which has a democratic constitutional monarchy. The reason that this country government is because their system has a Prime Minister and he has conversations with others to the make decisions with him for the country. “ According to canada” the canadian government has a democratic consitutional monarchy, a Soveregin as head of State and an elected Prime Minister as head of Government. A democratic constitutional monarchy is a productive government because their is more than one person making the decisions and the person who makes the final decision has to get it checked by the executive branch, legislative branch and the judicial branch. Overall, Canada has democratic constitutional monarchy and this type of government works well and is very similar to other governments such as the Unites States government.

All of the different types of governments have their system and have their own significance to their country. Canada has a government that works well but not everyone thinks that is true and not every government is going to work well. In the United States the people have a say and what they say will be heard and they have a better chance of getting what they want done finished. Overall, all governments are different but they all have the same significance to their countries.

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