The Death Penalty | Teen Ink

The Death Penalty

February 26, 2014
By DaisySmith BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
DaisySmith BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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“An eye for an eye” is how some people see Capital punishment, aka the death penalty. While sixty percent of the United States favor the death penalty, there are still people who believe that the death penalty is wrong. Some believe that the death penalty is morally wrong some think it is racist and some think it’s better to let them sit and rot in jail. My opinion is that capital punishment is fair.I believe retribution not rehabilitation. In this essay I will share the history, when and why to use the death penalty, and the justice it gives.

First I will tell a little a history and facts of capital punishment. Capital punishment is legal in thirty two states, Minnesota is not included. According to a website by the name of “Clark Prosecutor,” in the United States, certain states can use specific methods of execution. There are five legal ways to give someone the death penalty. They include hanging,lethal injection,gassing,electrocution and firing squad. According to PBS’s website the first legal and recorded use of capital punishment was in 1622 in the American colonies,when a man was tried for theft,and soon after was executed.Someones next thought would maybe be when and why would capital punishment be used?

Second I will state my opinion on when and why capital punishment should be used. I believe that the capital punishment should be used on cases that are especially violent. When I think of especially violent cases I would think of Jeffrey Dahmer,Albert Fish and Ted Bundy the men who were sick and perverted and have no shame should not just get to live in jail. I would also think of the Boston Bomber and the Sandy Hook shooter,for cases of mass killings. Also criminals who spend inordinate amount of time planning,who kill the week, and or show an extraordinary amount of violence. The death penalty would be the ideal warning is what an author on a website called “Listverse” an author known as “Flame Horse” June 1,2013. I also agree with this author because when its thought about,a criminal might think twice about killing someone if they if knew that the justice system would not put up with their excessively violent behavior. It would also possibly put the thought of death in a criminal's mind,some criminals would be afraid of death, and therefore think twice about committing a crime. It would be over for the criminal and also the family of the victim,which leads into my next thought.

My third thought would be justice. Justice in the court would equal some justice for the family. When a criminal is executed, it would bring closure to the families of the victim. It would make sure that they never committed such an awful crime again. The families would never have to think about that person ever getting out,or having the option of parole. When the criminal is sent to jail,they could be brought up in the news about trials and every year is anniversary of whatever they did,then the family never stops hearing about it. It would keep getting brought up,it would never go cold.they would never really get a chance to move on.

In this essay I gave a little info on the history,my opinion on when/why to use the death penalty, and the justice it would bring. I believe that capital punishment is fair. I think that number one reason for the death penalty would be for justice to the families. CBS News states that 60% of the american population favors the death penalty. Thats more than half of the United States. In 2013 the total death by capital punishment was one thousand three hundred fifty nine.Even though I do support the death penalty,I do not believe it should be public. It should be done for the justice of the family not for entertainment.

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