Save Lives. | Teen Ink

Save Lives.

January 8, 2014
By BiiliFox BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
BiiliFox BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Meat: Chewy bits of heaven, dissolving in your mouth.

Sitting down in my highchair, I stared at the plate in front of me. The plate itself had vanished, buried deep below layers of rice, peanut sauce, and chicken on a stick.
That chicken was what my mouth lived for.
It was what my taste buds craved and demanded every day.
It was my favorite food.
As I lifted the stick of happiness into my mouth, I wondered: Where did this miraculous miracle come from?
Finding no answer floating around in my head, I asked my mother.
“Do we kill animals to eat them or do we just find them dead, and then eat them?”
My mom, knowing the fate that was about to engulf her, paused.
“We kill them honey.”
I looked back at the stick of joy creeping up to my mouth. I swore it was crying.
I could hear it’s sobs, it’s shouts of misery.
I could see the pain in it’s eyes.
I felt the world spinning as maniacal laughter surrounded me and the stick of destruction burned into my hand.
I made a choice.
I replaced the stick of despair and pushed the plate of death across the table.
I was four.
I haven’t eaten meat in nine years.
Do the same.

According to the ADAPTT (Animals Deserve Absolute Protection Today and Tomorrow), an organization dedicated to protecting animals, over 150 billion animals are slaughtered a year.
That is 142,870,000,000 more than the estimated human population.
And this number only accounts for the animals that are butchered for the egg, dairy, and and meat industries. It is not including the millions killed in shelters, or the millions killed killed in laboratories, or the millions killed in captivity or in animal fights.
Now I dare you, go online. Look up the ADAPTT kill counter. It shows how many animals are murdered in the time you have been on the site.
I was on the site for 4 minutes.
In that time, 150 dogs were exterminated.
In that time, 7,000 bunnies were wiped out.
It makes me want to scream, cry, stomp, die.
It makes my heart bleed and my body crumble.

People try to justify killing animals by saying that nature intended it that way.
I agree.
But did nature intend on us keeping animals locked in small cages with huge chains dragging them down to the ground, for their whole life?
Did nature intend on over 150 billion animals being killed a year?
Did nature intend on making animals suffer for their whole life, just so we can enjoy one single meal?
Eating meat is not the normal thing it once was. Now, that piece of once free and pasteurized stake is filled with anguish, unnatural-chemical-filled food and small confinements.
It just isn’t right anymore.

Many people also blame their omnivorous deeds on their mental strength. They claim that their weak minds won’t be able to win the battle against their vicious taste buds.
But this is simply not true.
Take it from me.
Both Me, Myself and I, all insane meat-lovers, have resisted the all mighty and powerful urge to devour a scrumptious piece of death, for over nine years now. If the biggest meat lover of all was able to hold strong against meat, than you can do it too.
The trick is to believe in yourself and your beliefs. You have to stop yourself before you stuff that little lamb into your mouth and think:
What is this?
Who is this?
Now, picture the little lamb starring up at you, with her big blue, weeping eyes.
The world is killing her.
Companies are killing her.
You are killing her.

But, I know that everyone out there, no matter how small their willpower, can do it. Can stop killing.

By simply avoiding the factory meat and buying the “free range” or “humane” meat, you can bankrupt the horrible companies killing these helpless animals, and bring them a better life.
Even better, stop eating them.
Protect them.
Donate to organizations like the ADAPTT.
It will save lives.

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