Tighten Gun Control Laws or Ban Guns | Teen Ink

Tighten Gun Control Laws or Ban Guns

January 7, 2014
By Sorya Noun BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sorya Noun BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do we really have to wait until millions of more people to die before we do something about guns? The best available estimates in the United States indicates that there are about 30,000 firearms-related deaths in the U.S. each year more than twice the amount of those non caused by a firearm.( US News) There must be stricter gun control laws or at least a ban on having a possession of a firearm.

States with stricter gun control laws have lower deaths rates.” There were 10.3 deaths by firearms per 100,000 people in the Colorado in 2008, exactly same as national average. Gun deaths were highest in Alaska (20.9 per 10,000) and was lowest in Hawaii (3.1 per 100,000).”(www.economist.com)

More Americans lose their lives from firearms. “That 212,994 more Americans lost their lives from firearms in the last 45 years than in all wars involving the US is a staggering fact.” (theguardian.com)This is just America just imagine places in the world that has a lot of firearms with less laws. The difference in the two states is over 6 times greater.

Your own child can become a murder or get hurt. Some children knowing that there is a gun in the house are likely to take it to show it off, threaten someone, or even kill someone. “A 12-year-old took a semi-automatic weapon from his home and killed a teacher who heroically tried to stop the violent act at middle school in Nevada.” (US news). The teacher lost her life because of a child toke a gun from his home and tried to kill people at school. Children don’t really know much but you never know what they can do with a gun besides kill a person.

Most anti-gun control people say that people have to defend themselves against attackers with firearms. This would increase the amount of firearms. Getting rid of the guns would just eliminate the chance of an attacker or criminal having one to attack you.

However, people can kill others with a knife not just a gun is what most anti-gun control people would say. This being true but statistics show that there is a more likely chance that a person is more likely to be killed by a gun rather than a knife. “In America, of those 14,022 homicides in 2011, 11,101 were committed with firearms. Meanwhile, in America, there were 478,400 incidents of firearm-related violence (whether used or threaten) and 11,101 homicides, for a rate of 1 homicide per 43 incidents.”(Data that suggest guns do in fact kill people) Thus this shows that criminals are more likely to use a gun rather than a knife. Since in fact you can shot a person from a far distance and be less likely of them to figure out what you look like while if you stab them with a knife you would have to have the right timing to stab them.

By the end of reading this you should or might be thinking about the flaws of guns. Stricter gun control laws will result in a less likely chance of a criminal getting access to a gun. Banning guns would just eliminate a huge amount of deaths from firearms. Either way guns need to be gone for a better life and society.

Citation from Web
M.S. “Data suggest guns do in fact kill people” Web Sept 30th 2013
Henry Porter “American gun use is out of control. Shouldn't the world intervene?” Web Saturday 21 September 2013

Jeff Nesbit “Studying Gun Violence...Or Just Arguing About It” Web October 25, 2013

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