Danger | Teen Ink


January 3, 2014
By Kayla Bowen BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Kayla Bowen BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever thought about how much teenagers share on social network and how dangerous it is? Some teens say that they don’t share a lot on social network, but they are wrong. Most young Americans do share too much on Facebook, Texting, and even gaming and they are in danger.

Some teens on facebook will put photos up that they don’t want their mother or father to see. Some teens don’t even care to turn off their GPS. You think that you are safe on your facebook but you're not. Teens need to start to turn off their GPS and turn on their privacy setting for safety. Don’t put up photos you don’t want anyone to see. I can’t stress that enough.

How is texting dangerous. Some teens will start to bully other kids. Some teens will start to give out their phone number to people they don’t know. Some teens will send nasty photos, and the person that you sent it to will forward it to other teens. Some people will blackmail other people over the photos. To keep yourself safe, don’t give out your number to anyone you don’t know; don’t share photos that can hurt you later.

Gaming is unsafe and you may ask how gaming is dangerous? You can get hacked without even knowing. They can find out where you live. Hackers would know when your mom and dad are out. They can use your info to steal the account and your identity.

Young teens share too much info and it can be dangerous. Facebook is one of the unsafe networks. Texting can lead to blackmailing. Gaming can let people see your true colors. Get the word out to other teens; they could be unsafe. You wouldn’t leave your house unlocked to let anyone walk in; always keep it locked.

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