Completing Your Goals and Dreams | Teen Ink

Completing Your Goals and Dreams

December 18, 2013
By Yamili Ramos BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Yamili Ramos BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals” (Thoreau). Some people forget where they came from when they become successful or who were they before they become who they are now. They let their successfulness get up to their head and forget what they’re doing is wrong. Human species have goals and dreams.

Since you were younger you would always say “ When I get older i want to be a…” than you would say what you wanted to be.You would say you wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or whatever seemed cool to you and amazed you. Some kids would even say that they would want to be a superhero because of their innocence. As you got older you would know what you would want to be for sure and be set on your dreams. You would do anything to become who and what you want to become. Some people can even become a little bit selfish.

To reach your dreams you would have to have a set of goals. Without your goals you wouldn’t be able to reach your dreams. Everybody obviously have dreams to reach and little sets of goals to be able to reach their dreams. These goals are there to guide you to what would you have to do. A real life example is when my mother went through everything she had to go to just get me to the young lady I am. She went through all the stuff with my brothers being in and out of jail for teenage dumb things that you do as a teenager sometimes. She went through all that to see that she had to be a little more strict with me for I wouldn’t be how my brothers are or end up like them. Another example that I got is me right now I am trying my best in school to stay out of trouble and get good grades for I can get a full four year ride scholarship for college. When I get to college I am going to have another set of goals and dream. for me to become the human being that I want to become in my life.

In “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare Macbeth whose the main character has goals and dreams like any other person. His goal and dreams is to become king. But he only had this goal and dream because the three witches had told him his future and had told him that he was going to become Thane of Cawdor and king. Him becoming Thane of Cawdor happened because the king decided to reward him with that type of power. But then he became power hungry and his goal and dreams was to become the King. Out of his desire he decided to kill the king just for him to become the new king. To make sure of his position as a king not only did he killed the king but he killed his best-friend Banquo. He killed his best-friend Banquo because he knew what the witches had told him and because the witches had told Banquo that he was going to be the father of a line of kings. Macbeth goals and dreams made him become selfish, power hungry, and a murderer.

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals” (Thoreau). Macbeth can perfectly fit this quote because of who he became just to achieve his goals and dreams. He became this murderer, power hungry, and selfish man because not only was he trying to achieve his goals and dreams but he was also influenced by his wife that was also power hungry and selfish. Goals and dreams can change somebody completely. It can change their attitude and their personality

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this writing was because I reading a play book called "Macbeth" William Shakespeare. In the book the main character who's Macbeth he went from being a humble man to becoming this selfish evil person just for him to complete his goals and dreams.

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