Gatorade Reveals New Water-Flavored Drink | Teen Ink

Gatorade Reveals New Water-Flavored Drink

December 4, 2013
By Perry77 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Perry77 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

During a hyped-up meeting Monday at Denver’s Pepsi Center, Pepsico made an announcement, among many other non-related announcements, that they have a new product that will “alter the entire sports drink industry as we know it.”

Pepsico CEO Susan D. Wellington was on hand to present this new product. “We first produced Gatorade in 1965 for the University of Florida. Gatorade had an instant impact on athletes across the country,” Wellington declares as photos of the first Gatorade product are being shown behind her. “In 2010, we introduced the G Series, further advancing the sports drink world. Today, I am proud to proclaim that we have done it again. Pepsi and Gatorade have created a new drink that will change sports as we know it.”

After this, people carrying bottles of the new product emerged from behind the curtain and distributed a bottle of Gatorade Water to each person in attendance. The audience, made up mostly of coaches, athletes, and others who had nothing to do on a Monday afternoon, erupted in cheers once tasting this beverage. Almost everyone in attendance was demanding a second bottle.

“Be ready for the future in sports beverages,” Wellington states, as she pauses to take a sip of her Gatorade Water. “Gatorade Water will appeal to athletes wanting a sports drink without the sports drink taste.”

Gatorade Water is essentially combining the pros of water and the Gatorade product into one beverage. There is no taste, just like water, yet contains all of the necessary electrolytes found in Gatorade to help replenish any energy lost during physical activity. Gatorade Water contains glycerol ester of rosin as well as mono potassium phosphate in order to restore its consumers’ energy as effectively as Gatorade does. Should anyone want their Gatorade Water to taste like the other traditional Gatorade products, Gatorade will also be selling a powder that can be mixed with the Gatorade Water to replicate a traditional Gatorade taste, such as Lemon-Lime or Orange flavors.

Illustrated as the “next great sports drink that does not taste at all like one,” Gatorade Water provides its consumer with the same amount of refreshment and fulfillment as any other sports drink out there. Pepsico claims Gatorade Water can be as revitalizing as rival Powerade, a can of soda, a hot cup of coffee, or even a combination of the three.

“Athletes out there are torn right now. Many want the taste of water while they partake in their physical activity, but they also want the electrolytes and replenishments that come along with sports beverages. With Gatorade Water, the decision becomes clearer,” Wellington claims. “Athlete’s will no longer have to work out their minds while making this decision.”

Wellington claims that Gatorade Water will improve both the level of skill of the players and the amount of intensity they have when on the court and fields during games. This applies to all levels of athletes, from biddy basketball at the YMCA to athletes in the NBA.

“Too many times has the decision of water or sports drink had a negative impact on athletes around the country. It becomes an even bigger issue at the professional level of athletics, where athletes do not exercise their minds on a regular basis. Just as any other muscle that does not get worked-out regularly, if the brain is asked to think extensively when it is not accustomed to doing so, the product that an athlete puts on the playing field is hurt because of this,” Wellington said. “Athletes are paid to perform with their physical abilities, not with their mental abilities.”

All of the people in the audience showed their agreement with this comment by giving it a standing ovation. The athletes in attendance were the last to cease the applauding before they sat down to watch the rest of the presentation.

Wellington then revealed that the best part of the presentation has “yet to come.” At that moment, Miami Heat forward LeBron James, Oklahoma City Thunder forward Kevin Durant, and New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady walked onto the stage. The crowd was starstruck and began applauding once again.

After a few waves to the audience from each player, and the audience calmed down and sat back down, LeBron James grabbed the microphone and began to speak. “The new Gatorade Water is going to be huge. It’s changing everything. One of the first things it’s changing is what companies I endorse. Just like I left the Cleveland Cavaliers organization in 2010 for the Miami Heat, I am leaving the Powerade company to take my talents to the Pepsico and Gatorade company.”

Once again, the entire audience gave him a standing ovation for almost ten minutes, the longest one of the afternoon. Because of all of the applause, Durant and Brady were not given the opportunity to speak due to time constraints.

“Pepsico said they were going to make big changes with their new product, and big changes have been made indeed. I never thought that something as simple as Gatorade Water would have such an impact on so many different parts of everyday life,” The Nugget Republic journalist DeMarco Cousins stated at the conclusion of the event. “I am just thankful that Gatorade came up with such a great idea.” Many others shared a common view as sport enthusiast and sports drink consumer Willie Summers view of the product. “If LeBron and KD are sponsoring Gatorade Water, it has to be good. I can’t wait to buy this stuff by the case.”

There were some people in attendance, however, who did not have the same excitement as others. These people made up the higher educated people of the crowd. “Pepsico spent a lot of time repeating the same information over and over again. I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I don’t think that Gatorade Water is that much different than plain old water. They’re just like any other company who uses big, scientific words in order to sell their product.,” Josh McCown, a local middle school student, said as he exited the arena with his mother. A couple of days following Pepsico’s announcement, the Coca-Cola company held an event revealing a new product of their own called Powerade H2O.

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