Is it Right? | Teen Ink

Is it Right?

November 7, 2013
By Carson Wall BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
Carson Wall BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Peering scared through the pharmacy window, stone in hand, thinking over his actions against the pharmaceutical giant for the thousandth time, Heinz whispering to himself, “If you are up there, please give me a sign that I am doing the right thing. Why should wealth be more important than my wife’s life?” There can be no other way; she will die without the medicine was his last thought before hearing the crash of glass, not even aware that the stone had left his hand.

For Heinz the stone’s weight brought closure to his moral dilemma regarding access to health care in America; however, for 47 million Americans denial of routine health care is a constant reminder that profit is more important than people. Health Care for America Now drives this point upon reporting that pharmaceutical companies pocketed 711 billion dollars in profit over the past 10 years.

Two factors cause such high profits. First, pharmaceutical companies are allowed to hold patents for numerous years and higher prices result because no other companies are allowed to make the medicine. Without competition they can charge what they want. Secondly, pharmaceutical companies charge government programs like Medicare higher prices for the same medicine as in other countries because the American government is not allowed to negotiate medication prices. Higher prices make it harder for the elderly to pay for their medication.

I believe that all people should be involved in reducing the cost of health care and medicine by telling their legislators to support people like Senator Amy Klobuchar’s that wants to begin government negotiation for medication prices. We should also support programs like the Affordable Health Care Act or “ObamaCare” that will help all American citizens have access to health care.

I also suggest joining an organization like the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation that helps all child diabetics improve their health and get the medicine they need to live a healthy life. Because no one should have to make a decision to break the law or be provided medicine that will cure their sick dying wife like Heinz did.

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This article has 1 comment.

MaxineA BRONZE said...
on Nov. 14 2013 at 5:15 pm
MaxineA BRONZE, Orange Park, Florida
2 articles 1 photo 18 comments
Well, I don't know from which point you look at Obamacare, but I have two points. The first is as a Catholic with a father who owns a small business. If he doesn't provide abortion (Something we are forbidden from having or supporting as Catholics) for his employees using Obamacare, he is fined. He is fined because of his beliefs. Second, I, for one, would not trade my job for health care and that is something that many, many peope have had to do. They are being laid off because companies are downsizing and replacing full-time employees with part time ones so they don't have to pay so much. This is destroying our economy and, even worse, taking away our religious freedom. If people are being fired and I can't own a business without being fined for my beliefs, I'd rather be without Obamacare.