Maybe I am a Different Breed | Teen Ink

Maybe I am a Different Breed

November 6, 2013
By Anonymous

I stick out like a sore thumb. A super positive, dreamer, confident, questioning everything, wandering thumb. Personality quizzes never match me, not that I wanted to be a sassy spirit or a mysterious mastermind. I never really cared about your shoes, or Taylor Swift’s new boyfriend.
I grew to question everything. What was the point in religion? What was the point in anything if it was eventually going to be the past? I couldn't help but wonder. People used to think I was super quiet, anti-social. Little did they no, I didn't care what they were talking about. I was busy thinking of something else more interesting.
During my 4th and 5th year of elementary I went to a school in a very poor town. About half the kids lived a trailer park. My best friend's dad was a drug dealer, my other friends mom was in jail for murder. I loved it. They lived their lives with such a "life's too short to even care at all" attitude. They really taught me to live in the moment.
A little over a year ago I switched to my current school, Leaves of Learning. I used to think I was alone, that no one else saw the world through my eyes. But, since coming to leaves I realized that isn't true. I am not surrounded by my kind, but I am not alone.

Did I mention I can be a bit scatter brained?

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