Job Satisfaction | Teen Ink

Job Satisfaction

November 6, 2013
By JoycePoon SILVER, Hong Kong, Other
JoycePoon SILVER, Hong Kong, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When there's a will, there's a way.

Job satisfaction is of prime importance for almost everybody because of the pleasure and sense of happiness it brings to us. In this essay, I would like to discuss factors that contribute to job satisfaction and how realistic the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers is.
To begin with, an effective compensation and welfare system can motivate workers to work productively, and thus gain job satisfaction. A good pay is one of the vital element that makes workers satisfied. What is more, allowance for buying or renting houses, medical services, for instance, are essential welfare to keep employees happy.
On top of that, the character of the boss is the lynchpin to job satisfaction. Employees would not be delighted if their employers were harsh and unreasonable by assigning difficult tasks to them. That is to say, workers could feel satisfied if they are occasionally praised by their superiors. It is an undeniable fact that encouragement can make subordinates feel they are worthwhile.
Another thing I would like to talk about is the possibility of getting job satisfaction. As far as I am concerned, it all depends on the demand and supply of workers – if the demand overweighs the supply, then workers will have more odds to have job satisfaction because there will not be enough employees left in the market if companies lay off their workers. Nowadays, however, there are more workers than needed. As a result, it is unrealistic for everyone to be satisfied at workplace owing to the fact that their positions can be replaced by others at any time.
By way of conclusion, job satisfaction is mainly contributed by the personalities of superiors and salary levels that employees earn from companies. In addition, it is quite impossible to enjoy working for everyone.

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