Effects and possible solutions of rural depopulation | Teen Ink

Effects and possible solutions of rural depopulation

October 21, 2013
By JoycePoon SILVER, Hong Kong, Other
JoycePoon SILVER, Hong Kong, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When there's a will, there's a way.

These days, a lot of people tend to relocate in cities, leaving their old homes back in those remote areas. It will soon be a serious and pressing problem. In this essay, I intend to discuss the effects of rural depopulation and solutions to solve the issue.
It is surprising that city residents would have to tolerate the consequences of rural depopulation – overcrowding. Metropolitans would become too crowded after a vast amount of people moved in. What is more, several social issues such as crime, air pollution would arouse when the problem became worse.
In order to tackle the question, we have to focus on the root causes, which are the lack of public facilities and welfare associations and few job opportunities in rural areas. From my point of view, the government could re-develop remote areas by building newest infrastructure to upgrade the transport network. Apart from transportation, facilities for entertainment, swimming pools and tennis courts, for instance, are also essential to attract the rural residents to stay at their homes. In addition, more importantly, financial incentives should be provided to farmers and any other people with low income owing to the fact that money is something human cannot live without. If rural areas were more appealing than cities, why would people hope to live in the city?
By way of conclusion, the effects of rural depopulation are extremely damaging and thus the government should improve the situation at all costs as soon as possible so as to reverse the horrible trend.

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This article has 1 comment.

missR said...
on Nov. 2 2013 at 11:05 am
that's a good opinion.