The True Unsung Heroes of Society | Teen Ink

The True Unsung Heroes of Society

October 11, 2013
By sschnaper BRONZE, Winter Park, Florida
sschnaper BRONZE, Winter Park, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s ironic how we worship actors, models, entertainers, CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies, yet we don’t appreciate the people who make our society function. We don’t thank garbage men for doing what most of society feel they’re too good to do. How many of you thank a post-officer for delivering your mail? I know I don’t, and yet, day after day they deliver my mail and pick up the garbage. Forget the people who work in clothing stores, what about the ones who drive your food from a farm to a grocery store, and the workers who stock the food shelves? Do you thank them? Probably not. Do you ever stop to think that maybe those people would like to know that the seemingly menial tasks their performing are appreciated?

Let me stop and illustrate a picture for you. There are no garbage men, no post officers, no farmers, no drivers to truck the food from a farm to a store. You walk down your street in a mass of garbage because it’s not being picked up and taken to a landfill to be disposed of. Not only would mail not be delivered to your house, it wouldn’t be delivered to a post office, it wouldn’t be picked up. No mail would travel anywhere. Now, I can guarantee at least one of you is thinking “I don’t use snail mail anyways.” Oh ya, how do you suppose the really cute piece of clothing you ordered off line is getting to your house if you don’t use “snail mail” or the awesome new Fifa 14 for your Xbox is being delivered from Amazon? It won’t be. Our society depends on the people who do the jobs that most people turn their nose to. The people who pick up your trash are the true unsung heroes of society. They keep us going, recognized or not.

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