Trust - Teenagers Right! | Teen Ink

Trust - Teenagers Right!

August 30, 2013
By Athulya BRONZE, Nasik, Other
Athulya BRONZE, Nasik, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“World relies on trust” A very well stated statement by someone great who believes that trust is an necessity for the worlds better future. Teenagers are the rightful owners tomorrow and if they are granted with the necessary freedom, they can often come up with ideas that may end up in great revolutions. The teenagers of today have the capability to change the tomorrow. Trust is what that can help them fly and reach out to their self estimated goals. Freedom comes from trust and trust is what we receive when we believe.

Teenagers are often called careless and useless but people deny accepting that teenagers are not careless or useless, instead they are cared and used less. They are the one who are filled with ambitions, dreams and capabilities but until you grant them with their own space and freedom, there is no way they can explore themselves and come up with revolutionary ideas and theories. Freedom is a must for a teenager to go out alone in the world and search for the hidden talents stored within them.

Parents often think that their child is not yet ready to face the world alone but until you let the child go out alone, how are they supposed to know. Teenagers should be given chances and necessary freedom as the teenagers are the youth of tomorrow. Freedom allows the child to think and understand about today and decide and plan better about tomorrow. Every individual should be given a chance to face the world and even fall at times as falling down grants the person with a new opportunity to get up and walk again. Falling hence is an important part of life until it teaches that no success comes without hard work and even failure at times.

A teenage mind floods with thoughts and often comes up with great ideas. A teenage mind often tends to sink between the four walls of a room. This suffocating feeling often damages their creative minds and they are left no better than a robot to follow orders and live a life following others. “Follow no one, learn from everyone.” Should be followed by every individual to build up ourselves to be someone they are esteemed to be. Someone great and successful enough to make a change.

Every individual should be granted enough freedom to go out in the world and understand certain laws that one can only be gained with experience. Some laws like “Like all, trust few!” or “Beautiful appearance last for a few decades, but a beautiful personality lasts forever!” These laws make the child’s mind mature enough to understand the practicality of the world and the rules that need to be followed to reach their goals.

The author's comments:
this article is about how trust is not granted to teenagers!!

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