Loneliness in the Modern World of Teens | Teen Ink

Loneliness in the Modern World of Teens

August 20, 2013
By Anonymous

Loneliness in the Modern World of Teens

Loneliness is a human emotion which is complex and unique to each person. It is a response to isolation or being alone or without a companion.

The causes of loneliness include social, mental, emotional, and spiritual factors. People experience loneliness for many reasons and life events can cause it, such as the lack of friendships built during childhood. It is also common in a break-up, divorce or any loss of an important long-term relationship.

Teens feel lonely all of the time. Although we are the most connected generation, we are the most isolated too. We feel lonely when we are left out from our group of friends, when we are rejected, ignored or when we disappoint our parents, not being understood and the list goes on. Depression, eating disorders, addictions, self-harm, and suicide are mental challenges teens suffer from as a part of the emotional wear of loneliness. Teens need real relationships not just a connection by texts or social media.

Our society isolates teens all the time. Experts say we are lonelier than ever before. Social media is one of the main symptoms of isolated societies. Social networkers change what we do and who we are. Social media is a form of communication but it is keeping us at a distance, emotionally. A text, a tweet, an email nor a post do not engage us in face-to-face connections. Teens may have always felt isolated but technology has heightened it.

Bullying and peer pressure is teens are other ways our society isolates people. Teens can be bullied physically and emotionally. Even cyber-bullying is has been increasing with the use of smart-phones. Peer pressure again raises the emotions. Much of our teen loneliness can is caused by society.

It is definitely possible that along with society, come the causes within a community. We, as teens, try to be “cool” and to be accepted. When our community or our classmates reject us we feel so alone. Our environments do play a factor in loneliness too.

I believe there is a difference between being alone and feeling lonely. Teenagers feel both ways. Being alone can be a positive state of mind. You can be very happy to rely on no one and just enjoy being alone. I am content being alone. When a person is lonely, they are looking for someone or something to fill their time or their heart. Being lonely is a feeling that you have no friends, your parents are divorced, or maybe even a break-up in a relationship of your own. You feel bad when you feel so lonely. You are not happy or content. I think it is good to be alone sometimes, but no good to feel lonely.

Some people choose or are forced to live in solitary confinement. A prisoner may be forced to live alone. Some people may choose live in forests far away from others. Some enjoy this isolation for inner peace and/or spiritual reasons.

Loneliness can be creative. Lonely people tend to have a broad imagination, are very creative and believe in the supernatural. Much has been written about people, such as this, who often see pets as even having human qualities. You can read about Superman who lived as an alien from the destroyed planet of Krypton and the only son of a famous scientist, sent to earth to save the world.

Today loneliness is linked to Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Social isolation has already been shown to be linked Dementia and scientists are trying to identify “how alone” patients have to be to start to lost their minds.

In this modern world, could robots someday ease our loneliness like pets? Can humans see objects as friends? I think they can. They are all the emotional perceptions of each individual. They also may represent love like a pet does or people do for some. This can be their spiritual fill they need, just like some have that from their religious beliefs.

Loneliness in teens is usually a passing phase, but as they go through this phase, they need support and love. Teenagers face many challenges, changes and pressures on their journey to adulthood. Loneliness in teens can and do create conflict with others and themselves. Each teen responds differently and it is unique to each person.

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