Questions and Conversation | Teen Ink

Questions and Conversation

July 16, 2013
By Sach0311 BRONZE, Mitchellville, Maryland
Sach0311 BRONZE, Mitchellville, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
And who are we to say that we are inadequate....

I watched slowly and curiously as Dane’s hand scribbled words unto the board.


The words brought back memories. I thought about just last week when I spoke with one of my friends about life, and what it means to live. We talked about we are all just a bunch confused being milling about the earth trying to figure out what it all means, trying to figure out why are all here. These words to me seem to define the very essence of life. Or uncertainties or ignorance leads us to curiosity and wonder which then leads us to trying to become aware of the things that conceal themselves which only makes it the deduction harder. This is what makes up the puzzlement, and as we spend our time insanely trying to discover these things we gain experience.

One of my best friends and I were talking only a few days ago. We were talking about dying. He asked me if I was afraid of dying, and I said no. I told that I wasn’t afraid of dying only the pain of it and what will become of those that I leave behind. He then asked me if I died tomorrow would I be content with the life I lived. I told him no; he asked me why. “Because haven’t done half the things that I wanted to.” I said. “What are those things?” He responded. I said to him “ I want to understand, to learn, to travel, to teach, to inspire, and to discover who Sydney (being myself) really is”. “Which of those things have you already done.” He questioned. “I told I understand some things but certainly not all that I want to understand, I've learned a lot but there’s still a world of knowledge that I haven’t even tapped into yet, I've travelled but I want to go farther, I have taught but teaching is nothing without inspiring, and I’ve inspired but there’s still more to say.” He looked at me, and smiled “Well Syd, I think you’ll be disappointed.” I laughed. He needn’t say more. I understood. What he meant is that although of those things are attainable, but yet none of them are actually finishable. You can understand but you will never understand everything. You can learn but there will always be thing you don’t know. You can travel but there will always be places you haven’t seen. YOu can teach but you can only teach what you know. You can inspire but there will always be those people you’ll never reach, and discovering yourself....well that journey never ends. I don't know if that disappoints me or not.

The author's comments:
I was in creative writing class and the instructor wrote these words on the board:

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