Bullying | Teen Ink


June 10, 2013
By josed BRONZE, Everosn, Washington
josed BRONZE, Everosn, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bullying in school is an unstoppable thing. Many kids go to school knowing that they’re going to be judged in some way, shape, or form. Knowing this they think they’re defenseless, and many of them do nothing about it because they think they can’t do anything to stop it. I don’t know any real statistics, but I know that ¼ of the kid in school get bullied on. These kids that are getting bullied on are willing to give up their lives so they don’t have to go suffer any more. Today’s generation hasn’t changed at all from the previous generations, nor has the culture. Today’s culture consists of everything nothing is the same we all do things differently.
Our generation has changed everything. Being a different race has always been a bad thing. But now instead of the adults discriminating people the kids do it. These kids inherit everything their parents do, so when the kids hear their parents talking about crap about other people because of their ethnicity or because their poor then the kids end up doing the same, they go to cool assuming that they can do the same. So I am writing an essay that I don’t know what to write about because bullying is a sensitive topic with some people. So people don’t really care about it, some say its fine because it’s the way of “life” and some disagree with that. So who am I to write about something that I can’t stop from happening?
I am against bullying its wrong! But bullying has many definitions. To me its picking on someone because of their ethnicity or because you think that you’re better than them, it would be the same to others, but some adults see everything as bullying for example, If you’re messing around with your friend and making fun of each other, they think that you are bullying on them but really you’re not. It’s ridiculous how kids come up with crap to say to others! When these kids get made fun of they start having thoughts, thoughts that make them want to kill themselves.
Most kids are losing their lives because of bullying its incredible what words can make you do, especially at a young age. Most kids can’t handle what their being told and they’re too scared to ask for help, they don’t want to be “that person” that snitches on people because he most likely will get beat up. Most kids don’t see it, the teachers want to help they don’t want anyone to get hurt, they want everyone to go to school in a safe environment.
With all the technology in today’s world most kids use social media to bully each other, the crap that kids post, sometimes offends people and can hurt people’s feelings. Most people think that it’s not a big deal and that their playing around their friends, but some don’t agree they try to stop it because either way it’s bullying even if he’s you’re friend. Bullying isn’t an easy topic to talk about, many have different opinions on it and many care too much about it. Most schools try to have a safe environment and encourage the students to go to them for help, its hard looking for help! Even though their trying to stop bullying, it won’t! Our world is based on criticism and hatred.

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