BULLYING: It's Everywhere | Teen Ink

BULLYING: It's Everywhere

June 5, 2013
By GuardianoftheWoods BRONZE, Ottawa, Other
GuardianoftheWoods BRONZE, Ottawa, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Anger isn't an emotion that we need to feel, it does not teach. We need to feel sorrow, it is our teacher.


As technology advances, so does the torment

Cyber bullying has now become the latest form of harassment as technology progresses. Teens are now able to anonymously criticize and threaten others without the risk of revealing their identity.

Two of the most recent and popular breeding grounds for cyber bullying are websites such as “ask.fm” and “thedirty.

Ask.fm allows users to ask people questions with complete confidentiality. As a result, anonymous users often criticize and even threaten others publically through this website.

TheDirty is the place for bullies to publically post their opinions on others. They are able to post photos of the victim, as well as their name and current home addresses. The founder of the website known as Nik, replies to each post with his own opinion of the victim. Such responses as “If Esther didn’t live in Riverside she wouldn’t have those stretch marks and arm paint. Typical product of her environment”. Many of “Nik Ritchie’s” responses are known to be on the harsh side.

Statistics state that 70% of students have witness bullying online, and over 40% admit to being a victim of cyber bullying.

Cases of bullying have led to elementary students to the thought of or even the act of suicide. Sources say that bullying is not being taken seriously enough to help prevent the issue.

Cyber bullying has now become the safest method of harassment as websites now allow users to criticize and threaten others without any evidence of who the posts are coming from.

The author's comments:
It is devastating when you come to the realization of just how many people suffer from bullying.

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