My Declaration | Teen Ink

My Declaration

May 12, 2013
By Terrence.Dalton BRONZE, New YOrk, New York
Terrence.Dalton BRONZE, New YOrk, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world spins. We stumble on. It is enough.

We as American’s and human beings are given, through so called unalienable rights, the freedom of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I find it interesting although that we are given the right to do something that many find it impossible to accomplish throughout their entire lives. This is finding Happiness. Something that many see as a defining attribute of their existence and what they look for to fulfill their own. Many have tried and many have failed to obtain this elusive and intangible sense of “being happy”. We even live in a day and age where many people especially kids of are ages who are finding this world exceedingly hard to deal with turning to things such as self-abuse and suicide because we aren’t treated right, we don’t love ourselves, we don’t have anyone to love us, the stress to be beautiful, talented, inspiring, whatever is way too much to deal with. These and probably several other thing that have run through are minds that I didn’t even mention have caused stress and sadness in every single one of us at some point or another. We all have a breaking point. We have all just wanted to disappear at some time or another. We have all wanted the pressures of the world to disappear. We have all told that simple yet complicated lie in the words “I Am Okay”. What I am saying is we cannot rely on this happening because the sad fact of the matter is that suffering is an inherent point of living and we can’t run away from it, but what we can do is simply roll with the punches, appreciate the little things, see the beauty in the good people who we call friends and family and the 7 billion other chances of us meeting someone just as good. Realizing we have a vast world ahead of us and that there are parts of it so awe-inspiring and tremendous that we must keep going in order to be rewarded in seeing them in the end. What we can’t do is this. We can’t depend on other people to make us happy. Many people look at this pursuit of happiness as a search for someone or someplace that’ll make them happier than they already are. From searching for that girl or guy that’ll love you for eternity or wanting to move to California because you believe it is a better place. None of these are answers because although these may relieve the anchors that bind us they do not eliminate the weight, and the only way to accomplish that is by being happy with one’s self. Being aware of imperfection and not caring. Being aware of this world’s trouble and accepting the fact that we have to deal with it. Being aware that the presence of sadness is not an end but another star in the blackness which is you. Being happy is not relying on everything around you but being happy with everything about you. So I stand here taking an oath against the cruelties of the world, I take a solemn vow against those who try to put us down, and I make a Declaration of Independence against sadness, because the only one who can stand against it, is you.

The author's comments:
I had to declare my independence from something for my English class so I wrote about a topic that is very associated with my generation as well as my age group. It came out fairly well so I thought I would send it in.

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