Doing the right thing | Teen Ink

Doing the right thing

May 3, 2013
By Cbrokamp BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Cbrokamp BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Doing the Right thing
Just a little while ago I finished reading The Book Thief in my sophomore English class. The Book Thief is by Markus Zusack. The book is narrated by “Death” itself and is about a young girl named Leisel who is living through the hard times of Nazi Germany. The story shows the struggles of Leisel and her foster family through this hard time period. During the story Leisel and her foster family face many difficult situations where they have hard choices to make. These choices include making good choices and facing whatever punishments await them or standing on the side only worrying about their own safety. Some people during that time may have thought,” It’s better to save myself than to do the right thing. Doing the right thing is not important.” In the end it’s always important to make the right choice no matter the consequences.
Many people think that it is more important to save yourself rather than to do the right thing. Doing the right thing should come over many other things. The right thing should always be put first over what you’re doing. It’s always important to help other, and make good decisions in life. For example on page 173 the Hubermamn’s (Leisel’s foster Family) take a Jewish boy named max into their house to protect him from the Nazi’s Not only did Hans and the family take Max in to protect him, they also took him in because Hans owed Max’s father for saving him in war. By doing this they are taking very huge risks. They could face beatings, torture, or even be killed if they are discovered hiding and aiding him. Although they are taking huge risks by doing this, it’s the right thing to do. This shows you need to do the right thing because someone could need your help and the only way they would get it was if you did the right thing. Another example can be found on page 394. On page 394 the German soldiers are marching Jews through Leisel’s town to be sent to a concentration camp. The Jewish people marching through the town look hungry and miserable. Out of nowhere Hans Hubermamn steps into the middle of the street and hands a piece of bread to one of the Jews. He is later whipped in the back multiple times for his actions. Although this resulted in a bad punishment, Hans did the right thing; he helped a starving Jew by giving him a piece of bread. People should always make the right decision no matter the consequences.

People also think that doing the right thing is not important. Doing the right thing is always important. Although it may not benefit you, doing the right thing will always help others even if it is a very small thing. In The Book Thief on page 104 of the narrator (Death) talks about how Leisel’s foster father, Hans Hubermamn, paints over racial slurs on a Jewish shop. This is an act that takes a lot of courage because if other Germans saw him doing this then they would think differently of him and it could be bad for him. Because of this Hans will now be seen as a Jewish supporter by the others, this could attract the attention of the Nazi party, who would bring punishments and other cruel actions upon him. This act might not mean a lot to Hans but it definitely meant a lot the Jewish people in the book. One small action can make a big difference. One time at school my friend needed a lunch because he forgot his money. He went around the table asking people for any food or money. I decided to make the right choice and loan him some money. I didn‘t think much of it because it was only a couple of dollars, but I knew it made a good impact. Even though it wasn’t too important I still did the right thing. People always need to do the right thing even if they don’t think it’s important.

Making the right choice may not feel important or it might not feel worthwhile. But, it is something you always need to do. Doing the right think can help others out. It may not feel like much to you but it could mean the world to someone else even if it’s just a small act. Many examples of people doing the right thing can be seen in The Book Thief through the actions of Leisel and her Foster family and we can also see this in real life Through the actions of other people.

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