doining the right thing | Teen Ink

doining the right thing

May 3, 2013
By Anonymous

Doing what’s right.
As being from a military family, you always heard that you should do the right thing and help others. They do this job to help people be free and have what they have for example not worrying that other countries are going to attack the country, we have the soldiers who risks their life to protect us. A few weeks ago we read “The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak which is narrated in the time of the Hitler youth, when they wanted to make the perfect human race. The book tells the story of about a girl name liesel, whose brother dies tragically in a train, on their way to meet her new foster parents. When she was there, a boy name Max also came in to stay and hide in the Hubermann’s basement because he was Jew. During “The Book Thief” Liesel stole books for example the grave digger’s books and the whistle. She stole them to think that she is good at something. Her new foster father, Hans, is one of the kindest characters in the book because he helped the people that need help, knowing the consequences for example: when he helped max hide from Nazi soldiers or when he offered bread to the starving Jew in the parade, he could have been sentenced to death. “People should always do the right thing no matter the circumstances or the consequences”. This quote is always seen in the military for encouraging soldiers to fight for the people and if that is cause to die that they at least are making an effort to help the people.
Must people that I know of and some other people say that they help people because they feel good about themselves because they are helping someone that is in need and they probably are going to help him when he is in need. In the book thief when Hans took max in to his house and took care of him they were close to get caught but they didn’t found him. If the soldiers would it found him. Hans and his family could have been kill as same as him. This part of the book shows that not many people care about the consequences that they can face, But they only care about the how good they feel for themselves. Also because when Hans and Rudy’s dad gave food to the Jews that were walking in the street for exhibition for people to see who they are. They didn’t cared about the consequences, they were sent to war because of ts that they did and because they weren’t following the Hitler’s actions.
Other people say that they feel good with their karma. That when they go to heaven. They did the right thing in hearth and because they didn’t fall for the bad things the government or individuals do all the times they will be compensated. These way civilians start doing the right thing for religious purposes like my aunt Jessica who helps a charity organization donating food and other things and she said that she does it because it can pay later on her life.
The best idea is about helping others and make them feel that they have support and that their not alone. When Hans painted the walls of the Jews stores, he just wanted to help them because he doesn’t support what other do. He thought about doing the right thing and not thinking about the consequences he could get he just wanted to help them as same with max because he didn’t had the responsibility to take care of him but, he did because he is one person that do what his heart tells him.
In conclusion, this is important because people tent to follow what others say and what others might say about them and they doesn’t think how they are going to feel much better about themselves and end up not helping the people that are in need.

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