Adoption | Teen Ink


April 23, 2013
By cassidylunceford BRONZE, Cottondale, Alabama
cassidylunceford BRONZE, Cottondale, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


It is so sad that so many children are neglected, abused, beaten, ignored, and even killed all over the world. According to the article, “Parents should not be left alone”, 85,000 children in the UK are waiting to be adopted. Last year, 3,200 children were adopted, and 71% of the children were being abused and in poor homes. This article also states that 1/3 of adoptions fail.

This is a problem throughout the whole world. There are various reasons these adoptions fail. The adoption process takes too long, so by the time the process is done, the child could be many years older than the adoptive parents expect. By then, the child could be emotionally damaged from what they have experienced, and that could make the child’s behavior bad.

Another reason adoptions fail is because of the price. It costs thousands of dollars to adopt a child. Saving a persons life should not cost a fortune. After these people research and look into adopting, they are turned away because of all the negativity.

Research shows that after adopting a child, parents lose support from the government. Parents start feeling angry and frustrated because their children behave badly. If these people could have adopted their child at a younger age, then the child would act the way the adopted parent taught him or her. Having a child from a baby will make him or her easier to handle. They would not remember any bad experience they had to go through that might scar them for life.

China and Russia have recently cut off adoption privileges to the United States. I do not agree with this whatsoever. Many families across the globe have saved lives because of the opportunity to adopt. Now, many children who are abused and neglected have to live that way for the rest of their lives.

Charities and volunteers are there for help when the government fails at doing so. These families cannot do it on their own. They need longer support. If you need help with your adopted child, contact the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption at (800)-275-3832.

These special people have a heart and want to help people. They are saving lives and changing others. More people could be like them if prices and time length lowered for adoption. They also need longer support and help for traumatized children.

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