School Uniforms | Teen Ink

School Uniforms

April 7, 2013
By blake hauer BRONZE, Parkland, Florida
blake hauer BRONZE, Parkland, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bullying, self-consciousness, economic barriers, and even peer pressure are all part of the public school system today. Gandhi once said “Destruction is not the law of humans” and clearly the public school system is directing itself in a destructive manor. Children are judged by their clothing in schools and bullying occurs constantly. Therefore by adopting a school uniform policy, Marjory Stoneman Douglas will counter the problems that occur during school.
Bullying is a repetitive and abundant problem within Marjory Stoneneman Douglas today. According to a study, bullied students receive lower grades in school due to absences due to the fear of going to school. Students are criticized and tormented about their dress and their economic situations. If school uniforms are implemented in schools, visual disparities in economic status and clothing will not be able to be identified and students will not be bullied because of it. Through school uniforms bullying can be countered.
Many families across the nation and at Marjory Stoneman Douglas have been hit by the recent recession and are defined by low incomes and lower economic statuses. Children wish to spend large amounts of money on new school apparel such as shirts, shorts, pants, and shoes. If school uniforms are implemented then families will spend less money on varied clothing and a smaller amount on a uniform. Not only will this problem help out families, but create a sense of unity within a school, which can counter bullying issues.
Furthermore, each day children face the pressures of self-consciousness. Girls wish to look the best they can at schools and have the best clothing while boys wish to buy the best looking shoes, jeans, shirts, etc. By implementing school uniforms in schools, students will not me pressured by self-consciousness and are able to arrive to school with pride, unity, correct dress code, and confidence.
School uniforms should be adopted by Marjory Stonemen Douglsas high school because of their significant effects. Uniforms will counter bullying, economic disparities, and self-consciousness within schools. Additionally, if our school implements this policy, families will save money because children will not have the desire to impress others to fit in and look trendy within the school system. How could any single person allow Bullying, discrimination, and even peer pressure in schools without forming a solution? The solution lies within school uniforms.

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