Imagine | Teen Ink


March 21, 2013
By SinkJohn BRONZE, East Grand Rapids, Michigan
SinkJohn BRONZE, East Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life's tough. Get a helmet.

Why did the Pilgrims cross the Atlantic? Why did the Founding Fathers begin a revolution to free the thirteen colonies from British rule and, arguably, the greatest system of government ever created? Why did slaves, born into an ignorant and hateful world, gain the courage and flee or fight back their oppressive masters? Why did women fight for their rights as women to vote for elected officials during the late 1800s and early 1900s? These people and all others, whose bravery and courage shaped our present day, had the audacity to believe that their lives could, should, and would change to better themselves and in turn, the world. Their perception, their idea, their spark, was imagined. Simply at first, but then becoming more elaborate. Soon, their plans became efficient enough to be put into action and, eventually, come into fruition.
In the present day, the advancement of technology and knowledge has propelled many types of media into the daily life of the everyday person all around the world. Movies, television, video games, radios, and books all place you in the middle of a world full of possibilities, and as we succumb and immerse ourselves in it, we dive deep into the depths of our imagination. People tend to think imagination is a place for children, and that as you grow older, you should be more realistic and pay no attention to what you can imagine since that puts you in “fantasy land” and not an efficient use of time. But this sometimes unfamiliar and often frightening place is where we find the courage to live our lives differently, and where we find the hope to envision an even more prosperous one.
My belief in imagination becomes stronger with every passing day, as I personally experience the wonders of everyday life like friendship, learning, and faith. This incredible power humans possess to interact and connect with others drives the advancement of knowledge and a sense of faith and trust in others and in God. At the base of it all is a simple idea sprung from the depths of our imagination. It’s our most underrated tool of everyday life, helping us look beyond today and is the reason we push ourselves, as people and citizens of the Earth, for the dream of a world without violence, strife, and animosity.

The author's comments:
This was an assignment due for my Creative Writing class, and I just tweaked it a little bit before I turned it in here.

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