Fight Teen Depression | Teen Ink

Fight Teen Depression

March 20, 2013
By orlando munoz BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
orlando munoz BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

2012-2013 teen depression can be really affective, we should pay attention about teen depression can badly impact their life and there are many ways to tell a teen is depression. There are many to be depressed. Teen depression should be paid attention to and should be solved .One reason why is because teen suicidal, second are unhappy, last want to handle it on their own.

Some teens feel if they take their own life their life’s their problems would be solved. So many teens want to kill themselves because they think that they can’t do anything right or no one will miss them care about them, they can also kill themselves about a bad relationship, teens think that if they kill themselves no one even their family is gone miss you clearly, teens have many reasons why to kill himself.

Many unhappy teens this year. Hardly any teens smile about anything funny they don’t laugh they just keep a serious face for a really long time. When they say a joke they think it’s not funny, have their eyes down and not even one simple smile many sad and gloomy teen. They feel depressed

Many teens don’t want other people to help them with their problems. Many teens want to handle their problems on their own so no one will be really worried about them and thinks it they keep it a secret it will be ok. Many teens don’t know how to solve their problems when they’re depress

Many teens have suicidal thoughts, there are many unhappy teens, and teens want to solve their problems on their own. In today date we should help with teen depression before they will try to kill themselves.

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