Dear Humanity | Teen Ink

Dear Humanity

March 16, 2013
By Mr.Mar BRONZE, Fonda, New York
Mr.Mar BRONZE, Fonda, New York
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Favorite Quote:
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix

Dear Humanity (This is going to be a long one),
Why must I see the tears of my fellow beings? On the news, that’s all I see, death, depression, stress. Why am I surrounded by your chaos, I ask this question despite I’m part of the disarray that so many face. Why must I see governments built and torn, why must I see brothers take arms against one another, why must I live in your hole of tears, disgust, hatred, and dispute? I feel that I see things others don’t, that I’m the only one who can find a salvation for the greater good, yet when I look at the mess and the toiled dirt of war, and odium, I see no salvation. I see you, humanity, leading yourself to your own demise. No one cares, at least anyone important enough to make a difference. Why must the people who could have made a change for peace have died from a brother’s bullet? Such as J.F.K., Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, these people tried to stop your “suicidal” acts. Not even some of our own so called “leaders” care to make a change. These “leaders” are corrupt by the created idea of money, which is just an abstract item and waste of trees. It also can get you a home made out of fancy marble bricks or a car with leather seats. I guess that’s apparently better than helping our own, we humans were not civilized were just another animal but instead of claws or camouflage we were given intelligence. Ah intelligence, humanity, sometimes I think you’re too smart for our own good and you think I’m wrong when I say you’re not civilized? Well tell me this, are you civilized because you shoot your own kind with “high tech” weaponry? Not even most animals do this, of course not shooting but the killing aspect. Are you civilized because you have languages? All animals can communicate, so why do we put ourselves higher than a whale or a zebra? These animals by any means are not dumb and they help each other. But I guess time and time again, you humanity, is not intelligent enough to learn from your mistakes. So again I say why must I feel like it’s my turn to step up to the “altar of salvation”, yet when I know my fellow beings will shoot me down? I see you, humanity, as a false hope to know that nothing can be done to stop your suicide, and I have accepted this. I do not lose all hope even though this letter may define depression to one of its deepest extents. But I see optimism, hope, and faith. I see this in generations who will have a voice, I see this when corrupt leaders are brought down and the people take their flag in arms. I see us, hopefully in the future, united with the reality that we must unite and not fend for ourselves independently. It’s cold and scary world humanity; you have been given the chance of surviving over millions of years, and will you through that away? Or will you see it as another object in our abstract world? I hope that you see it through as your duty to survive humanity, your destiny and story is not done just yet. But hopefully there won’t be a short ending. As Jimi Hendrix once said, “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” And humanity, I hope you keep this quote not as an example to follow but an instruction to be spread to the corners of the Earth! But if you do lead yourself to a catastrophic ending I have another quote. This one is from George Carlin, he says, “I once said, if the world ever really blows up I hope it happens east of me. So that I can watch on CNN for a long time before the prevailing winds bring the thing back around to me.” Now this might seem terrifyingly grim, but I find it funny. And I see he had made his peace with your suicide as well.
To the reader,
Now you might be thinking if you’re reading between the lines why and how I came to know George Carlin. Well, that could be another whole “essay” but I don’t watch him for his swearing or his “dirty” jokes. But I watch it for his philosophy, and if you say he doesn’t have a philosophy then I don’t think you know the true understanding of knowledge and intelligence. Therefore if you knew my age you would be stunned that this is my actual intellect. By intellect I don’t mean that I have a 95 average in Social Studies or something. The intellect I’m talking about is the one where you can read in-between the lines and you can listen to others ideas and outlooks without much bias and closed mindedness. So I ask you, the reader, think of what you can do to better humanity. Think of what you can do to oppose others who may shoot you down, and think to yourself if you have the ability to poses the intellect I just talked about. And if you decide I don’t have this intellect then I think you’re underestimating yourself. So one more quote I have is from an anonymous person, it reads, “Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.” And I will leave you all to think about that, so I bid fair well… for now.

The author's comments:
This piece is my veiw on us all and what we may do to ourselfs. Just an ordanary kid with extremly opinionated veiws, enjoy :)

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