January 17, 2013
By _David_is_awesome_ BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
_David_is_awesome_ BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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youra man ^.^

This is for the kids out there who know all too well how much power a bully can have.

If you are being bullied, whether it's in school, on the bus, or online somewhere, there's nothing wrong with letting someone know. Tell a teacher. Tell a counselor. Tell your principal. Tell your parents. Tell your pastor. Tell a cop. Tell a crossing guard. Don't keep it inside, because if you do, there it will stay. There's a difference between tattling and telling.
Know that you are not alone. Thousands of kids are going through the same thing you might be going through today.

Remember that your school leaders and teachers care about you and take bullying very seriously. If one tells you it's not a big deal, then tell another.
If you're being teased because of the way you look or the clothes you wear, remember, the things that make you "different" are the things that make you special and unique. Different is good. Look in the mirror and smile. If someone doesn't like the way you dress, that's their problem. The only opinion about yourself that matters is yours. You don't have to apologize to anyone for your appearance, or for your thoughts or beliefs for that matter.

And to those who are doing the bullying or teasing, do everyone a favor and stop. Ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?" You are no better than the person you're tormenting. In fact, you're a lesser person because of it. And know this: Sooner or later you will pay for those actions. The state of Minnesota is getting very serious about this issue, and when you're busted for bullying the consequences will be severe.

The author's comments:
its about bullying man ^.^

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