Instant Lotto Winner | Teen Ink

Instant Lotto Winner

January 3, 2013
By Zach Hale BRONZE, Averill Park, New York
Zach Hale BRONZE, Averill Park, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On November 28, 2012 a man named Matthew Good purchased a powerball lottery ticket in Phoenix, Arizona. He was revealed not to long ago. People are affected by this issue because they take out a lot of money due to taxes and people will lose 200 million dollars and people may get annoyed over this. Luckily Matt was the chosen one of one in a million. People will definitely agree for them losing so much money through taxes.
In addition he was suppose to get 300 million but due to taxes he only got 192 million. He was arguing with the state over not getting as much money. He was not too happy over losing 208 million dollars just due to taxes and other financial problems. He only had 180 days to claim his prize but he was trying to get all of the money that he was suppose to get. As he was arguing it was losing more time to claim the money that they said he was getting.
The state is getting there money so they didn’t get it all of it back to the winner it goes to the state. So they have to take taxes off and keep most of it for the economy. So the state wants their money they don’t just want to have a competition or a lottery where people put all of their money into it and then one person gets it all back. They have taxes and use some of it for what the state needs.
In addition to that the message that they take a lot of money out of the prize due to taxes but you still get some money. i would like this commentary to be read by anyone who plays in the lotto that way they’ll know that they take a lot of money off due to taxes and all the money goes to the state. All the people that argue about this would also probably enjoy reading this too.

The author's comments:
Matt good lost alot of his money during this win due too taxes

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