Guns "R" Good | Teen Ink

Guns "R" Good

October 25, 2010
By ChinaWonTon BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
ChinaWonTon BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Disregarding the fact that guns are dangerous, I believe that guns are beneficial to our society. They can be used for security and law enforcement. Some people own guns to protect their homes and stores. The S.W.A.T. and the police use guns whenever needed. S.W.A.T. uses guns to break windows and doors and to sometimes take people down. The F.B.I. and C.S.I. also use guns to find and wipe out threats to the nation

Guns are also used for hunting. Before the gun was invented, people hunted with bows and arrows. Today few people still hunt with bows like the Native Americans because guns have become more popular. One reason for this is guns are more accurate. They can also go further distances. Killing the animal is also quicker and cleaner with a gun, as apposed to a bow and arrow. I started using a gun to kill squirrels, rabbits, and other small after I first shot a gun. It is also easier to hit targets from a distance easier. Between a gun and a bow and arrow, I think the gun is better than a bow and arrow.

Also, our military would not be what it is today without guns. Neither would the U.S. Guns have made us more intimidating to enemies. Without guns, we would not have won the Revolutionary War. Right now we are in a war with terrorists, and the bigger guns we have, the more scared they’ll get. This almost always helps our side. All in all, guns are a great thing to have.

The author's comments:
Do not post naughty things on my page. muhahahaha(evil laugh)

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 2 2010 at 6:30 pm
in_tenebris_lumen BRONZE, Alta Loma, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
It's the one's who notice the unnoticable that matter in the end.

there can't be peace until people are willing to act unselfishly. And in today's culture, taking responsibility for one's actions is often the last thing on the list. And, if there was world peace, then millions of people would be out of a job, and ahuge portion of our economy would go down the drain. Loss of jobs + dramatic decrease in government spending into the american economy = big big problems.

Guns are not the cause of war or conflict, they just make it more efficient to kill someone. Personaly, i am reasured that i can prtect myself if someone comes in and trys to hurt my family. My right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness supercedes the rights of teh guy persuing his happiness as he takes my stuff i worked for, and shoots my mom who was trying to protect my brother.

Often, simply having a gun can prevent possible conflict. That knowledge that "that person could concievably protect himself" is a good deterant to a lot of people. Its like locks on doors, they aren't there to stop theives, they are to keep the honest people from giving in to temptation. Any one who is serious about breacking in won't be stopped by a locked door. Same thing with guns. The big guys who are ripped aren't the ones getting picked on by the bullies at school.

If someone does something stupid with a gun, then yes, by all means punish them. If you break the law, then you forfeit your rights. There are idiots in all areas. Drving, sports, hiking, drugs, alcohol, smoking, anything will have the extreame cases of problems. It's no justifacation to take away guns.

on Nov. 1 2010 at 12:37 pm
t.i.m.n_w PLATINUM, Iqaluit, Other
30 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
When oppertunites come, don't be afraid to try for them, they might open doors to bigger and better things.

guns may be good for hunting, but war and guns are not promoting peace, and peace is something the whole world needs right now, peace not war.