Things In Life | Teen Ink

Things In Life

September 30, 2009
By Anonymous

If I have learned one thing it's that life is to short to take things to seriously and that you have to take life for advantage to be happy in a way. But you have to know that most of the time in life nothing ever goes the way you want it to half the time i mean what ever does. You want this you need that but what you don't realize is that you're just making up excuses for yourself not to live to your fullest. And I'm not the one to talk but really we need to think more about our happiness and our future. Not what's happening now or what just might happen. People need to realize that you never get what you want or suceed at anything unless you really try and most people don't. I'm saying all this stuff from the bottom of my heart becuase I care about people even though I gave up my life long deam of being the next Dr. Phil but with better hair and I'm a girl. So really I'm just looking out for all the people that dont live life to its fullest. I know a lot of people who didn't live life the way they wanted to when they were younger and now they say to me "Don't ever be like me not living to my full potental, be who you want to be." They say that because they never really noticed what was going in untill they grew up. Now they ask themselves "Why didn't I ever live to my full potental?" They are some what happy but they aren't as happy as they wanted to be. And I don't want my friends to be that way. I want them to realize that they should live life to it's fullest and have fun once in a while instead of just waiting for something. Like I said instead of them waiting for something to chase after them why don't they chase after something themselves. And my friends depend on me for a lot. And maybe they should let themself fall instead of always having me there to catch them. I mean I love to help but really I'm not a personal post to hold you up when you're down. So I wanna stop being used and actually people think I care!

The author's comments:
This is inspired by what people go through. And how people personally feel.

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This article has 1 comment.

xLilxMikkox said...
on Oct. 12 2009 at 10:29 am
xLilxMikkox, Tokyo, Other
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Favorite Quote:
If you love someone you would be willing to give up everything for them, but if they loved you back theyd never ask you to. ~unknown~

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