The American Dream will always be a Dream | Teen Ink

The American Dream will always be a Dream

June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

May 28, 2024

the American Dream will always be a Dream

To live in a house with a family and not worry about the world as you have guaranteed opportunity, freedom, and equality. All the people strive for the American dream but seem to forget it's a dream for a reason. It is a hope for all the people besides people like us. People who come from low-income families, People who are the first generation, and people like us in this city who come from those who sacrificed everything for this “American Dream”.

As said by Michelle Obama in 2012 “Surely we can give everyone in this country a chance at that great American dream”. Such a simple statement is being used to overlook the corrupt system of America. We overlook that the same America built off of immigrants has 36,571 immigrants detained at the border as of May 19, 2024. Those same immigrants who've lived in America illegal or not are chasing the same chance of opportunity, freedom, and equality. It is the same immigrants that contribute to our economy that others believe they aren't good enough to stay. Those who have lived here their entire lives scavenging for work, All of the work that my parents have gone through just never to be able to fulfill the American dream for what? From 1989-present time my father has been forced out of his education to work since he was 15. All of his work will be shoved down the drain and all of his hard labor would be for nothing. We as immigrants and daughters and sons of immigrants have to face the truth that those above us will always look down upon us. As said by MLK in his infamous speech on his dream “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” The injustice we face is our opportunity at the American dream denied. When only 36% of Americans believe that the American dream is even possible when dissecting that percentage it was found that 53% were white. 

It is not only on the people but also on The economic system when it was believed America was the land of opportunity yet it is found other countries give people the equality America fails to do so. From having to live paycheck to paycheck, Having to work at a young age to support my family, and having to see other people being so inconsiderate to have what my family worked so hard for showed me the system will never be fair. It is said all men are created equal yet not all men will be treated equally here in America. 

The author's comments:

thats it

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