Op - ED: Why aren’t abused children getting help from CPS ? | Teen Ink

Op - ED: Why aren’t abused children getting help from CPS ?

January 27, 2023
By Anonymous

When you think of CPS , you probably think of people who are supposed to serve and care for kids who are under difficult living conditions. That is what I think of at least. Afterall that’s their name is ,  isn't it ? “ Child protective services.” But have they actually been doing what their name is supposed to be doing ?

Texas CPS reports have shown fatality reports of almost 800 children that have died from September 2009 to March 2014. As well as that but the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services failed to report 655 child abuse related deaths from 2010-2014. All of which cases weren’t reviewed , were reviewed and weren’t publicly reported , or were not properly reviewed. 

By state law CPS is required to make a report on CPS cases to make data out of it. Though because those reports have been swept under the rug , they have been downplayed to show as if those cases aren't there or aren't happening. 

10 years ago the tragic case of 8 year old Gabriel Fernandez , wasn't properly reviewed by CPS workers. Not only did they not properly his case but they falsified records. Though it was obvious that poor Gabriel was getting abused , neglected , and tortured. The system that is supposed to be protecting kids from their parents , guardians , and ultimately supposed to be helping kids that are under unstable living conditions , not only failed to get him out of that hell hole he was living in , but they also got away with not doing their job. It was more than obvious that he needed help. All he wanted was love.

Thus making me think of my own experience witnessing situations where CPS clearly didn't care enough to help those kids out of those living conditions. I remember living next to a family where it consisted of the kids grandma and uncle constantly beating them for nothing. Those screams that the little 5 year old girl would let out while she would be getting beat for accidentally urinating on herself. Or those nights where the kids' Uncle would lock them out of the house at midnight for simply nothing. Didn't matter the weather conditions. Whether it was raining , windy , or hot. He would lock them out for any to no reason at all.

In conclusion my take on why CPS isn't helping these kids is because they simply just don't want to. It is a long process to do so but at the end of the day it's for the sake of the kids. Their safety and well being is overlooked by them. How many more kids have to die for CPS to get their act together and actually start reporting these poor kids getting neglected and abused ? I say we start having them take accountability.

The author's comments:

I am 16 y/o from Sacaramento , CA.

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