Scars | Teen Ink


March 21, 2022
By StephPadg BRONZE, Salt Lake, Utah
StephPadg BRONZE, Salt Lake, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Scars are like a mask

Always wanted to be hid away

They’re a part of you

And they're there to stay

There's a vision that you can hear

No matter how hard you try

And you need to know you are important, go ahead and cry

You shouldn't have to hide them away because of what others think

They’re beautiful no matter how unique

I care about you

Even if you don't feel the same

Everyone has them 

But likes to hide them away

Some were born with them

Some got them throughout the years

All that trash talk about them

Goes out not only one but both ears

People who make fun of you and try hard to bring you down

Are insecure about themselves and in secret they frown

Some scars have shapes

Others have images

Some have color

But some are plain

But all you need to know is you are important

You are beautiful

You are unique

You are perfect

Stop listening to others

Start caring about your sisters and brothers

Stop saying rude things to them like “ I hate you, You’re stupid, I wish you would’ve never been born” 

Because those words hurt more than you think they do

They should stand up to you, sometimes they’ll look at you and say

“ I want to be just like him/her when they grow up”

Start loving and start caring about your parents

They were the ones who took care of you when you couldn't take care of yourself

They changed your diapers and soared through tons of money just for YOU

All of their nights without any sleep so they could make sure YOU were okay

Always putting you first and making sure you ate before they did

Them spending their money for you so you could have anything you wanted

Now some people don’t get that

But just cherish the ones around you

I know a lot of people say “ Love your loved ones because they could be gone at any moment”

But people don’t understand how much that means, and how true that is

You need to cherish life because one day not only will others disappear

You will too

The author's comments:

Something that inspired me to make this poem was a few of my loved ones. My sister has a scar on her arm due to a tragic event, and she got bullied for it, some of my friends have scars too and get made fun of for them. So I decided to make a poem to show my respect, and to say that even if you have scars, you're not different then anybody else.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 24 2022 at 11:08 am
Audrey321 BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
This is cute. I have hundreds of self harm scars all over my arms and thighs-- they are extremely prominent and noticeable. I heavily relate to your lines, "They’re a part of you/ And they're there to stay." It's a uniquely difficult struggle to readjust to your skin, and learn to live with the staring and questions.