Effects of Where You Are Raised | Teen Ink

Effects of Where You Are Raised

May 20, 2021
By Anonymous

When we grow up our parents always tell us to not be like them and that we should be better than them or at least mine are. My older brother grew up in a different neighborhood than where I'm growing up and he turned out to disappoint my parents with his life choices. Sometimes where you live can affect you in a different way than living somewhere else. I believe that neighborhoods people grow in can impact your life in a positive or negative way. Because when you live somewhere you never realize how it would be to live somewhere else.

One example that supports how growing up in a bad neighborhood can hold you back is In the book House on Mango Street when Esperanza described the new setting around the new house and how Esperanza struggled to adapt to her setting. As Esperanza's lives in this poor neighborhood growing up all she would think about are these positive thoughts that someday she would go back home and get married. But not everybody thinks as positively as Esperanza did in the book. Some think negatively about where they live, limiting themselves of what they can do in the future. Because after all we all always remember the bad times in life and focus little on the good ones.

When we think about our past we usually think about the bad things that happened to us in life. That's because those bad moments impact us more than good ones do making those sad ones more memorable. An example is successful rappers who make it to becoming millionaires but now their main thing is speaking about their struggle they had. People who have grown up in bad neighborhoods may think the same way after they have grown up. And may even start deciding for their career that memories and past experiences may influence them to not do things they want to do because they might not think they're qualified or good enough for it and overall make them doubt themselves. 

Sometimes we believe that maybe we have limits on what we can do due to our wealth. Some although work harder than everyone around them and succeed in life. But from the experiences around me my childhood memories where someone started will always have that impact on your life just how our memories impact us some more than others. Our childhood is what defines us, it is what sets the pathway for our future. And will overall determine the choices we will make later on in life.

My overall opinion about how the neighborhood you grew up in can have a positive or negative impact on you is that it's something you can't always prevent. Some people who grew up in worse parts of places tend to struggle more with their goals and their dreams. But some people who lived in different places may have a different view on life. And may even have an effect on careers people will partake in the future. But those neighborhoods and the condition you grew up in won't be the only reason for things you do in the future because you can always overcome your past and move on. 

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