Mental State | Teen Ink

Mental State

May 19, 2021
By Anonymous

In this society we have today we are never gonna be perfect. All the standards introduced since a young age has devastated us. Good luck finding a person who hasn’t been affected with mental issues due to society.

Our society expects a lot from us as teenagers. It sucks. We need to be skinny but not look like a skeleton. Our solution is to stop eating for a few days. We need to wear makeup but not too much otherwise you're a cake face. Our solution judges each other just enough to make the perfect fit. Our society says to be able to dance (tik tok) but, not everyone has the ability. Our solution is to spend hours learning how to move so it looks just right. Our society says have natural beauty but we all have imperfections. Our solution is to cut and paste with plastic until we look like societal perfection.

We are raised in a generation where we cry out for help and are overshadowed. We live in a generation where homes are not even safe. Where moms and dads fail as parents and turn into nightmares. We live in a world where touching a female is barely a punishable act. Where cat-calling a girl because her body is perfect. Just. How. Society. Wanted. It. To. Be. We as young women are taught that men commenting on our bodies is a good thing when, in reality, it's not their business. We are taught to let them do whatever with no boundaries and we have to suffer through the traumas and put our mental health on edge for the pleasure of others.

People talk about these flaws in our world but when is it gonna be time to take action. I'm done watching young minds falling apart at the hands of adults. I'm done thinking it's okay just to put 9-year-olds on antidepressants just because no one wants to actually talk about the stuff they are facing. I'm done with people being scared to walk in public alone. 

When will people stop looking over these problems? We have found our own solutions whether it's drugs or self-harm. We are looked at as attention seekers yet, no one wants to listen so what choice do we have. When will people stop looking over these problems? When will society change? We have no voice because society has taken it away.  

I'm exhausted of having to cry but hide it from the world. I'm tired of every measure I have to take just to feel “normal”. It has taken a major toll on me and I know I'm not alone but, I feel alone. You feel alone. We're all alone yet all suffering the same problems. We all have accepted that we will never be perfect. Never be enough. But why should we? What good things have come out of the world? All I plead for is someone to hear our voices and give us them back. We have value and we have opinions but we are shut down or called disrespectfully. Let us speak. Let us have a voice. It's our mentality you're corrupting. It's your expectations that we don't live up to. Let. Us. Speak. Out.

The author's comments:

The Teen Ink Magazine lets teens speak out so, I wanted to speak out about mental health.

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