The way our world is wired | Teen Ink

The way our world is wired

May 18, 2021
By Anonymous

The way that our world is wired is truly disappointing, in terms of society today. People feel that bullying is okay, and that pointing out flaws in people and judging them for being human, is acceptable. People are all of a sudden self conscious about themselves just because people don’t know how to be respectful and keep disrespectful comments to themselves. Nobody has a filter, and if they have one, they don’t choose to use it. Have you ever scrolled through your Instagram feed and came across an Instagram model’s profile? That is another cause of lowering self esteem. People see model pictures and automatically assume that they have to look exactly like that model or else they feel super satisfied with themselves, like they have to look just like the model.

In my opinion, I feel that our society is truly embarrassing and disgusting, because the only thing that ever seems to go on in our society today is people shaming others, when we should all be lifting each other up and spread nothing but positivity. Imagine if everybody in this world today was kind to one another, and continued to spread nothing but positive vibes. Imagine if all you ever heard come out of people’s mouths was compliments, and not hate. Imagine if everybody got along and people didn’t get slammed for doing their own thing and doing the thing that makes them happiest. 

Society today is something that truly bothers me: something that really gets under my skin. The reason society today bothers me is because I only seem to hear nasty comments made about an innocent human who did absolutely nothing to deserve it. It’s gross how people can smile in others faces but talk bad about them behind their back, that is one of the worst feelings in the world. Imagine you dressing up and looking decent, and someone coming up to you and saying that they really like your outfit, and once you walk away they turn to somebody and say how your outfit was actually really ugly and how you should have never worn it in the first place. 

Due to society, attempted and successful suicide rates have increased, eating disorder rates have increased, depression and anxiety rates have dramatically increased, just because of the negativity others spread around, when it should be nothing but positivity being spread. Nobody deserves to go to sleep at night and wonder why they aren’t good enough, or what they did wrong. The common phrase used back in the day: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all”, is absolutely 100% true, but today it seems as if that phrase has been forgotten along the way.

If I could change one thing, I would choose to change the way our world is wired, and that there would be nothing but positivity spread in this world. That people would only be brought up, and not brought down. But until people start to realize that the words that come out of their mouths hurt others, and that what they say can not be taken back, this is the way our world is wired.

The author's comments:

I wrote this as a social issue opinionated piece for our school newspaper 

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