Reputations from Social Media | Teen Ink

Reputations from Social Media

March 5, 2021
By Anonymous

I am guilty of spending way to much time on social media and some might even say that I am a little bit obsessed with it but until you have meet my friend, who spends hours finding the perfect picture and strategically times out when to post them so she can get her desired amount of comments and likes, then you don't quite know the term socially obsessed like I do. Obsessed is a strong word that can be used to define a lot of different things and can be easily misused but in this instance it is a word that fits my friend a little too well. I think that if your social media feed is the thing that you are the most worried about to make yourself look good and that's how you get others to view you the way that you want to be viewed then you have way bigger problems to deal with then the amount of likes and comments on your photos. It's just crazy to think that people are so obsessed with pictures that will have no meaning to them at all in fifteen plus years. 

When it gets to the point in your life that you care so much about what other people think about you that you feel the need to post your pictures at a curtain time to get the perfect number of likes that pleases you, that's when you know that you're desperate and and you should probably be focusing on something with more meaning. So one of my really good friends from my old school is a perfect example of a person who is genuinely obsessed with social media. She is someone who makes her life look better than everyone else's online but in real life she can't even live up to half of the things that she posts. This all comes back to being desperate because if you are going to make your life look so fun and better than everyone else's at least try and live up to it. Rather than just talking a big talk by posting all of the pictures that lead people to think that you have a better life than them and then being confused when people don't even recognize you in person because of how different you act online. This topic can make people seem two faced now that I am really thinking about it. What I mean by two faced is that people talk their lives up on social media and they have these amazing pictures to back them up but when you ask them about the event they posted about or how hanging out with all of those people in those pictures was there caught off guard and they can't tell you that much about it because nothing exciting ever happens. In reality they just want attention so bad that they feel the need to post a bunch of rubbish that they can't even back up when you have a face to face conversation with them. Everything that I just talked about ties back to the fact that social media has too much of an impact on a lot of people's lives today and sometimes we let it consume us to the point where we don't even realize that we’re obsessed with it until someone else goes and points it out to us. 

The pictures that everyone are obsessed with right now will have absolutely no meaning to anyone in fifteen plus years anyways so why does it matter so much right now and why does the perfect time for posting your perfect picture matter if no one will even think or care about your pictures when you're an adult. When you leave high school you are nine out of ten times starting with a clean slate for your social media, reputation, people you associate with, and many other things.What I am saying is that the pictures that mean so much to you and that you think mean so much to everyone else will absolutely have no meaning when you get out of high school. So I just don't understand why it is so important to get the perfect caption and perfect lighting for something so simple and meaningless at the end of the day. Another thing to think about is the people you associate with in high school oppose to the ones that you will later associate with in college. By saying this I mean that the people in high school and the people in college are 2 very different things with different opinions and different points of view. Once you get to college people have bigger things to worry about then social media so they most likely won't care at all about how many likes are on your posts or how many comments you get, but the self centered high scholars, that is all they have to worry about and I understand that people post stuff for fun but others are blowing it way out of proportion. The way that this all connects to the main argument is the fact that the pictures will soon mean nothing so there is simply no point in letting them consum you decide whether you have a good life or bad life when in reality the only things that people are going to post are the highlights of their life so there is really no need to beat yourself up over something that's only significant on a screen. 

I can see where the pictures matter to someone who is maybe a social media influencer or a model but really those are the only other exceptions that I believe are worth arguing over. Some might think that your reputation in highschool is super important and I can somewhat understand where they are coming from because they might be speaking in terms of getting a job or getting accepted into a good college in which in both of those situations you are going to want at least a decent reputation if not a good one just to let them know that you are worth their time. Really at the end of the day how many people are actually going to fall into the category of a social media influencer or a model because that would be a very small ratio of your graduation class. This can definitely apply to some people and I completely understand that but not enough to argue that social media pictures make or break your life and your future of what others think of you. 

Young people in general need to stop trying to make their lives look so exciting and start actually living an exciting life without having to prove it to others because at the end of the day who cares what parties you went to in high school or if you were popular or not none of that will matter after high school. It’s not fair to yourself to spend all of your time obsessing over what others think of you and being constantly worried if everyone will like you post or think that it is stupid or make fun of you for posting it.Ite people who say stuff about your posts and take the time out of their day to say something rude or unnecessary that are most likely insecure or just jealous and those are two of the ugliest qualities to have in my opinion. With the amount of time that you spend crafting and piecing together yourself on social media to make the perfect image for others you could actually benefit yourself by using your time wisely and crafting out something of more importance like your grades, career, and just your future in general. 

The author's comments:

This essay is about on of my closest friends and I was not tryi to put her down in any way whatsoever. 

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