Heading Solo | Teen Ink

Heading Solo

February 4, 2021
By Anonymous

Recently, with school being closed, I have found that I have gained more independence and choice. School does give you an education, a social life, a chance to find who you are. But who you are must unfortunately suit only the society which we live in. There is this game, called Outer Wilds, and the developers aimed this game to allow the player to experience free exploration, prompted only by curiosity and indications. And then I began to realise that that is the way we live. And though there are social barriers, and expectations, we live our life aiming towards this day, or job, or love. And we dont understand why we feel as if this would be the definition of success. We are constantly struggling to get to this point, this final destination, which, in fact, nobody has directly told us that that is our goal. But when you grow up in conformity and a society indiscreetly telling you what you should do, we forget that we were not born to do a certain thing. And even if we do a lot in life, that is not the reason why we are alive. Is there even a reason? Perhaps the question of 'why am i alive?' could be a positive refection of our true purpose. We live, thinking that being this or that will make us reach our true potential. Thinking that your life is all just a journey to one certain point. And life is a journey, but not one where you know where you're going. Not one that you force upon yourself. 

My point is that we forget that maybe we are people, and not hereos or superhereos or messiahs. I want to do many things when I grow up, but I won't label myself because of them. Yeah, I have missions, but nobody told me to dream, or go wherever I'm going. I don't know why I want to be what I want to be. But I know that whatever happens, I won't fail in life, because I'm who I am, and that's what succes is. Knowing yourself.

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