The World Around Us | Teen Ink

The World Around Us

October 28, 2019
By hmh20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
hmh20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From diapers to double digits to the last stop before college, I have been influenced by the people around me. Everyday millions of people see politics in one way or another. Whether a polished reporter, biased teacher, angry parent, or even the ones closest to me, I have been affected.

With an immense amount of animosity with politics, it’s hard to see the beauty of the government system we have as Americans today. The way our creators outlined U.S. democracy, was carried with intent and a purpose for voices to be heard.

Politics looks beyond my light pigment, chemicals that are a mix of my parents genes.

Politics looks beyond the pink sex I was born with, my parents fell in love and biology determined this.

Politics looks beyond my excess calories yet to be burned, I eat when my body wants to.

Politics looks beyond my silver cross that hangs wrapped around my neck on Sundays, my beliefs are my rights.

The number of people who have died, fighting for the rights and equality, is unknown to an extent. What I know is that I admire people who will spend their life devoted to giving others the rights they weren’t gifted.

From diapers to double digits to the last stop before college, I have been influenced by the people around me. Comments are made all around me: the good, the bad, and in between. The way I am able to continue to pursue my rights is up to me. I choose to take advantage of being a United States citizen in honor of respect for myself and the warriors who have come before me.

The author's comments:

I wrote in this piece about what my vote means to me and how it relates to my freedom.

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