American Citizen | Teen Ink

American Citizen

October 28, 2019
By JEB16 BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
JEB16 BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Voting is my environment. The depths of voting go further than who the next president will be. Trees have disappeared and animals have lost their homes. I sit in the cold air and watch the animals wander looking for their home, confused and lonely. Days where the air was hard and heavy to breathe. The environment’s changing in ways it shouldn't. Voting can fix my environment. 

Voting is my future. Generations have come to a close, and wrapped in our hands is the future. Men and women are able to say “I do” to whomever they please. Moms and dads go to work to provide for their family while receiving the same pay. Drugs have been kept off the dry dirty milwaukee streets and shootings have decreased. Voting prepared me for the future. 

Voting is my schooling. Schooling has increased in cost and caused struggles for my family. Being able to ride the school bus on cold mornings, and freezing cold nights. Having reduced prices for school meals, because my family wasn’t able to afford it. Being able to have free availability to public schools no matter family history or race. Voting changes my schooling.

Young adults don't understand the term voting. If teenagers could look at the bigger picture of voting and comprehend how their lives are sheltered around voting, more would take time to vote on things that have touched them. To know that the words “I voted” will come out of my mouth, makes me the american citizen I dream to be. 

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